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TERMS == MOOD; THEMESee how cleverly Mir is able to pique the imagination! SRF has read this verse as the story of a desolate city from which the population had (mysteriously?) all departed. Until I read his commentary, that possibility had never even crossed my mind, since there's nothing at all in the verse about a city. I took yāñ se to mean 'from here' in the sense of 'from this life, from this world', so that to me this verse seemed to be a meditation on death.
The verse reminded me of Dard's similar meditation:
dard kuchh maʿlūm hai yih log sab
kis t̤araf se āʾe the kīdhar chale[Dard, as if there's any knowing!-- all these people,
from which way they came, in which direction they went]Except that in Mir's verse we do know one thing about all the people: we know that they die (or, literally, 'go from here') in one of two explicitly alternative ways. One way is collective-- people die while they are all on the same roads, in long caravans designed for comfort and at least the illusion of security. Caravans must necessarily be well-organized; caravan members must follow certain rules; caravans must have customary religious rituals and practical procedures for dealing with death and with the dead.
The other way that people 'go from here' and die is radically private-- they go off by themselves, untraceably, in the deepest solitude. Nor do they do anything to record their life and their death, or to assist a seeker: even if you search, you won't be able to find them. The Sufistic overtones of self-transcendence are heavy here, and also the isolation of the desperate, mad lover wandering alone in the desert.
But the verse endorses neither choice. It points out the contrast between the communal solitarity of a 'public' departure, and the private solitude of someone who in death becomes entirely unfindable. Perhaps part of the thought we're meant to take away with us is that the outcome is the same in either case. But is it, really? As so often, we're left to create the mood, sensibility, and implications of the verse for ourselves.