


mar rah kahīñ bhī mīr jā sar-gashtah phirnā tā kujā
z̤ālim kisū kā sun kahā koʾī ghaṛī ārām kar

1) go off anywhere at all and drop dead, Mir-- for how long is this wandering around, dizzy/stupefied?!
2) cruel one, listen to somebody's advice-- I said, 'For an hour or so, rest!'



sar-gashtah : 'Dizzy, vertiginous; stupefied, bewildered, confounded, amazed, astonished; wandering, straying; distressed, humbled, depressed'. (Platts p.648)


ghaṛī : 'The space of twenty-four minutes; —an hour; —time, hour; a small (indefinite) period of time, a moment'. (Platts p.933)

S. R. Faruqi:

In the second line he has said 'for an hour or so, rest!'. But in the first line he has instructed him to go off and die. This opposition has created an excellent tension in the verse. It's a certain kind of sarcastic action. This style too is a specialty of Mir's.

It's also possible that the speaker of the first line might be some other person (for example, the heartless Advisor), and the speaker of the second line might be some sympathizer or friend. In this way two different people's two different views of the lover have come before us. Mir himself has after all been called a 'dizzy/stupefied wanderer'. In this way instead of a situation, a whole romance [dāstān] has been versified.

Nisar Ahmad Faruqi says that here mar rahnā appears not in its dictionary meaning, but instead colloquially, and in a certain sense means to lash out against sympathy and love. But why would we suppose it to be in the dictionary meaning alone? Both meanings are possible, and I have also alluded to both. It's possible that in Nisar Ahmad Faruqi's mind Sauda's closing-verse might have remained, in which mar bhī has only the meaning that he has mentioned:

saudā tirī faryād se āñkhoñ meñ kaṭī rāt
āʾī hai saḥar hone ko ṭuk to kahīñ mar bhī

[Sauda, because of your lamentation, the night passed open-eyed
dawn is on the verge of coming-- just please go away and die!]



Mir is called a 'cruel one' because he torments his poor neighbor by moaning and groaning all night, or because he torments with anxiety those who care about him, or because he torments himself with grief and sleeplessness, until he wanders around 'with his head spinning'.

Rather than two separate speakers, I envision one speaker, who vents his annoyance at Mir's mad, disruptive behavior, but then feels a sudden wave of sympathy and concern. Surely it'seasy to imagine a quarrel in which someone at one point says in vexation 'Drop dead!'-- and then soon after says, urgently or cajolingly, 'Do take my advice, at least get some rest!'.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --