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sar-gashtah : 'Dizzy, vertiginous; stupefied, bewildered, confounded, amazed, astonished; wandering, straying; distressed, humbled, depressed'. (Platts p.648)
ghaṛī : 'The space of twenty-four minutes; —an hour; —time, hour; a small (indefinite) period of time, a moment'. (Platts p.933)
TERMS == OPPOSITESMir is called a 'cruel one' because he torments his poor neighbor by moaning and groaning all night, or because he torments with anxiety those who care about him, or because he torments himself with grief and sleeplessness, until he wanders around 'with his head spinning'.
Rather than two separate speakers, I envision one speaker, who vents his annoyance at Mir's mad, disruptive behavior, but then feels a sudden wave of sympathy and concern. Surely it'seasy to imagine a quarrel in which someone at one point says in vexation 'Drop dead!'-- and then soon after says, urgently or cajolingly, 'Do take my advice, at least get some rest!'.