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sū : 'Side, part, quarter, direction'. (Platts p.690)
paidā : 'Born, created, generated, produced; invented, discovered, manifested, manifest, exhibited; procured, acquired, earned, gained'. (Platts p.298)
TERMSThat second line is a real delight. Just consider all the possible meanings of paidā (see the definition above); right there can be seen a gigantic set of possibilities. No matter in which direction we look, nothing is-- born? invented? manifested? gained? And then, SRF points out the idiomatic possibilities of the 'nothing' in that context-- does it mean literally nothing (a blank or empty space), or nothing of what we're looking for (many other things, but not 'you')?
And finally, of course, the 'oh Lord' can be either vocative (plaintively addressing the Lord about his own invisibility), or merely exclamatory ('oh Lord!', to emphasize the urgency of the address). Although both possibilities are open, the verse becomes sharper and more piquant if addressed directly to God, the omnipresent (or omni-absent?).
Note for meter fans: The form karye is a variant of kījiye . It would normally be pronounced ka-ri-ye ( - - x ), but here it must occupy the space of two long syllables, so it becomes kar-ye ( = = ). It's more versatile in this respect than kii-ji-ye ( = - x ), which can't be made into two long syllables. (And don't confuse this with kīje , which is technically a form of the passive and thus short for kiyā jāʾe .)