


ʿishq meñ ne ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar chāhiye
jān ke dene ko jigar chāhiye

1) in passion, neither fear nor danger is required
2) to give one's life, fortitude/'liver' is required



ḳhat̤ar : 'Occurring to, or coming into, the mind; thought; remembrance, recollection; —imminent danger, peril, jeopardy, risk, hazard'. (Platts p.491)


jigar : 'The liver; the vitals; the heart; mind; spirit, courage, pluck'. (Platts p.384)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is by way of introduction. The construction of the first line is limp, and the thought is defective/incomplete. After ne there is usually a second ne , or a nah -- especially when after the first ne two things have been said. For example, there's Ghalib's second line in


In some manuscripts be-ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar is found. Kalb-e Ali Khan Fa'iq has declared this reading erroneous, but the truth is that although this reading is not very good, it is better than ne ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar . A'zam ul-Daulah Surur in the ʿumdah has simply made it be-ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar . Since the interpretation of Mir in the ʿumdah will have been written in Mir's lifetime, or very shortly thereafter, we cannot entirely ignore the reading be-ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar . Nevertheless, the meaning emerges only with difficulty. In the Mahmudabad edition (edited by Akbar Haidari), and in Naiyar Mas'ud's edition too, be-ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar is found. In be-ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar the meanings remains incomplete. But it's possible that Mir might initially have written ne-ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar , and later corrected the text by writing be-ḳhauf-o-ḳhat̤ar . But even then the meaning didn't manage to remain within the bounds of colloquial usage.

The verse in any case remains commonplace. In this ground and meter Sauda's opening-verse is comparatively better. His second line can almost go up against Mir's. The ghazals were probably from some mushairah, and with chāhiye the rhyme-word jigar is so effective that 'coincidence' is not surprising. Sauda's first line too is particularly displeasing:

jān to ḥāẓir hai agar chāhiye
dil tujhe dene ko jigar chāhiye

[my life is at your service, if it is required
to give the heart to you requires fortitude/'liver']

Though indeed, Mir Soz has composed a fine opening-verse:

ham ko nah kuchh sīm nah zar chāhiye
lut̤f kī ik terī naz̤ar chāhiye

[we don't require any silver or gold
we require a single glance of favor from you]



Really that first line is a mess. And the second line would have been much better if Mir had made the choice Sauda made, and had used the evocative dil , rather than the relatively inert jān , as a counterpoint to jigar .


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --