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pās : 'Watching, guarding, taking care (of), observing; observance, consideration, attention (to), regard, respect, sake; custody'. (Platts p.217)
nāmūs : 'Reputation, fame, renown; esteem, honour, grace, dignity; —disgrace, reproach, shame'. (Platts p.1118)
TERMSHere is a verse interestingly devoid of the 'kya effect': there's really only one contextually meaningful way to read the kitnā in the second line. Here is proof (if any is needed) that the 'kya effect' is not something foisted on poets by over-readers like me, something that poets cannot control. Here Mir has controlled our reading of the kitnā very strictly indeed.
But as a counterpoise to that highly controlled use of the 'kya effect', look at the second line of the Momin verse. Not only does it offer two maximally open instances, but the two wonderfully placed occurrences of kiyā also make for excellent script effects, such that five of the seven words in the second line are spelled identically. Really Momin is a very punchy and enjoyable poet.