


gire baḥr-e balā mizhgān-e tar se
nigāheñ uṭh gaʾīñ t̤ūfān par se

1) oceans of disaster fell from the wet eyelashes
2) glances rose up [and departed] from the flood/typhoon



t̤ūfān : ' A violent storm of wind and rain, a tempest, typhoon; a flood, deluge, inundation; the universal deluge; a flood or torrent'. (Platts p.754) 

S. R. Faruqi:

These verses [this one and the ones from {502}] apparently belong to two different ghazals, because in the present opening-verse the rhyme-words are tar / par and the refrain is se . (It's possible that the opening-verse might be 'double-rhymed' [żū-qāfiyatain], because mizhgān / t̤ūfān too are rhymes, although between mizhgān and tar there is an izafat; thus in such a situation mizhgān / t̤ūfān cannot rhyme.) In the verses after the opening-verse [of {502}], the rhyme is insān / kān and so on, and the refrain is par se . Thus these are verses from two different ghazals. But in all the manuscripts they appear in the form of one ghazal.

Kalb-e Ali Khan Fa'iq has, on the basis of the 1868 Naval Kishor edition, devised for the second line of the opening-verse the reading of bar se . But that does not solve the problem of the two ghazals, nor does it create any advance in meaning. In any case, since for the intikhab I needed to take two verses from this ghazal, and on principle needed to keep the opening-verse with them as well, I have followed the traditional manuscripts and included the opening-verse also. Otherwise, in my view this opening-verse does not belong to that ghazal. If we read mizhgān par se then things are fixed, but still the meaning remains very weak.

With regard to meaning and theme, in the opening-verse there's nothing special. The construction of the second line is awkward. The meaning seems to be that when from my wet eyelashes oceans of disaster rained down, then the gazes of the world removed themselves from the flood/typhoon (probably the flood of Noah)-- that is, in the eyes of the world the rank of the flood/typhoon had been lowered. Khan-e Arzu has said, in a much better style than this:

daryā-e ashk apnā jab sar bah auj māre
t̤ūfān-e nūḥ baiṭhā goshe meñ mauj māre

[when the river of our tears would pull up its head to the highest point
the flood/typhoon of Noah sat in a corner, having wavered/fluctuated]



I have nothing special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --