


rāt gużre hai mujhe nazʿa meñ rote rote
āñkheñ phir jāʾeñgī ab ṣubḥ ke hote hote

1) the night passes for me, in death-throes, weeping
2) my eyes will turn back [in my head] now, as dawn comes



nazʿa : 'The agonies of death; the last breath; expiration'. (Platts p.1136)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is by way of introduction-- or rather, it ought to be counted among Mir's weakest verses. It has been included in the intikhab only to fill out the form of the ghazal. In any case, in this ghazal there are only these three verses [in SSA].

But it's worth noting that in the verse rather than an effect of lamentation or breast-beating or heavy sighing, there's a kind of carelessness. The speaker's tone is entirely flat and devoid of affect. This is no common thing.



It's hard to care much for any verse that prominently features such 'death-throes'. (It makes me feel, 'Too much information; please just turn your eyes back and get on with it'.)

Note for meter fans: This ghazal has no refrain, and has the very unusual doubled rhyme of rote rote , hote hote , sote sote , etc. I take this to mean that technically the rhyme is only the final ote part. There may be theoretical subtleties here about the rules for rhymes, if anyone wants to look them up in handbooks of poetics.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --