


pas az muddat safar se āʾe haiñ mīr
gaʾīñ vuh aglī bāteñ tū hī jā mil

1a) after some time, Mir has come from a journey
1b) after some time, she has come from a journey, Mir

2) those previous words/ideas/matters have gone-- only/emphatically you go and meet [him/her]!



S. R. Faruqi:

In the second line there are a number of aspects.

(1) In Mir now those former types of wildnesses and madnesses do not remain.

(2) Now he is not mischievous/insolent as he was previously.

(3) Now in him there's not that indifference/heedlessness.

(4) Now if those former things-- that is, your untrustworthiness and stony-heartedness-- would be finished, it would be good.

(5) Now forget those former things, that were causes of grief between you and Mir.

In addition, Mir's coming back from a voyage after a good while contains several interesting suggestions. Perhaps he had left his home because he'd become downhearted and despairing. Or perhaps the search for livelihood took him away from his home. Or else it was that wildness of heart that compelled him to take a long journey.

In the verse is the mood of everyday life, and it's very fine.



SRF reads (1a), in which the masculine plural polite verb agrees with Mir, and the speaker is referring to him respectfully while then speakingly intimately to the beloved, urging her to let bygones be bygones. But (1b), in which the verb agrees with the beloved, and Mir is referring respectfully to her while talking to himself, seems equally possible.

There's also the enjoyable triple play of āʾe -- gaʾīñ -- jā .


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