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ṣāḥibī : 'Rule, command, sway, influence, lording; lordliness'. (Platts p.742)
ḳhvārī : 'Contemptibleness, meanness, baseness, vileness; abjectness, friendlessness, wretchedness, distress'. (Platts p.494)
vaqār : 'Gravity; sedateness, steadiness, staidness, fixity, constancy; —dignity, honour, majesty, authority; reputation; estimation'. (Platts p.1197)
bandah-parvar : 'Cherisher of servants or dependants, patron; your honour, your worship'. (Platts p.170)
TERMSThe permutations of kaisī depend on the same mechanism as what I call the 'kya effect', so that there are three basic readings, and all three work here: an affirmative exclamation ('What a kind of lordliness this is!'), a negative exclamation ('As if this is any kind of lordliness!'), and a question ('What kind of lordsliness is this?').
If the beloved has been (un)fortunate enough to find someone like herself, with whom she has (by implication) fallen in love, what does this fate imply? As SRF notes, it could be that the new beloved is someone as beautiful as she, or someone as stony-hearted. But the only point that interests the speaker is that the result will be 'abjectness and lack of dignity'-- a wonderful pair, ḳhvārī be-vaqārī , with a resonant internal rhyme. The clear implication is that he knows what will be the result of loving a beloved 'like her', because he himself has already had that experience, so that he anticipates with relish how she will be abased and made to suffer.
Then when he calls her bandah-parvar the effect is additionally delightful. Most centrally, by addressing her as 'Servant-cherisher' just after he has clearly implied that those who love and serve her are abused and humiliated, he has guaranteed that the epithet will be read sarcastically. And by addressing her humbly as 'Servant-cherisher' even while noting her coming downfall from her position of superiority, he confirms how essentially downtrodden and devoted her lovers remain. Then to round out a brilliant line, the ho so ho marks the complete inevitability of the outcome.