


bārīk vuh kamar hai aisī kih bāl kyā hai
dil hāth jo nah āve us kā ḳhayāl kyā hai

1) delicate/slender is that waist-- such that, what is a hair [by comparison]?!
2) if the heart would not come to hand-- what is the thought of it [by comparison]?!



bārīk : 'Fine, thin, slender, slight, slim, delicate'. (Platts p.121)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is by way of introduction, but it's also not entirely lacking in pleasure. Between bārīk and ḳhayāl is the connection of a zila. Among kamar , bāl , dil , hāth there's wordplay.

The second line has two meanings. One is that we would assume dil to be vocative: Oh heart, if that thing (the beloved's waist) would not come to hand, why even think about it? The second is that we would assume dil to be the beloved's heart: When this is the condition of the waist, then why even think about the heart that would not come to hand?

One more meaning is that when the waist itself is more delicate than a hair, if the heart would not come to hand, then how will you even think about it?



That second line makes such an ambiguous use of the 'kya effect' that it feels almost opaque. 'What is the thought of/about that one?!' is surely as idiomatically multivalent as it's possible to get within the space of five words.

The best way to enjoy the verse is to follow the guidance of the first line and read the kyā hai as an emphatic form of the comparative. In the first line, by comparison to her waist, a hair has much less delicacy/thinness. Thus in the second line, if her (inaccessible) heart has no graspability, by comparison (the thought of) her waist has even less graspability. (If the lover can't get hold of her relatively tangible heart, how can he ever expect, or even imagine, that he could get hold of her wildly intangible waist?)


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --