


vuh kam-numā-o-dil hai shāʾiq kamāl us kā
jo koʾī us ko chāhe z̤āhir hai ḥāl us kā

1) she is little-apparent-- and the heart is consummately desirous of her
2) whoever might desire/want her-- his condition is manifest/apparent



shāʾiq : ' Having the desire excited, full of desire, desirous (of), longing (for); ardent, zealous; lascivious'. (Platts p.720)

S. R. Faruqi:

kamāl = extremely much

The word kam-numā with the meaning of 'rarely visible', 'visible with difficulty', seems to be Mir's own invention, because it isn't in the dictionaries. Since the word kam is also used for absolute negation, the meaning of kam-numā can also be 'absolutely not visible'. And since the meaning of numā can also be 'showing' (as for example jalvah-numā means 'showing jalvah '), the meaning of kam-numā can also be 'showing things to be petty or foolish', or 'showing oneself to be petty or foolish'.

With regard to all these meanings, in the second line z̤āhir hai is very fine. Then, notice that in the first line it's a question of only one heart; this can be the speaker's heart, or whoever's heart, but it's only one heart. In the second line, with the phrase jo koʾī us ko chāhe he has advanced the theme. That is, with jo koʾī he has made the utterance non-individual and generalized, and has also created the implication that perhaps her desirers are numerous. And it should also be kept in mind that he has called the heart desirous of her-- he hasn't contented himself with her glory/appearance or the sight of her.

Similarly, in the second line too he has said 'might desire/want her'-- that is, the desirer definitely wants a sight of her, but wants something more as well. Thus even if the kam-numā beloved would make herself apparent, the desirer's condition, or that of the heart, would definitely remain alienated. Because first of all it's useless to have the sight alone vouchsafed, and even if the sight is obtained then nothing has been obtained beyond it.

Abd ul-Rashid has given an example of the use of kam-numā in Vali; thus the honor of primacy goes to Vali:

kam-numā hai nau-javāñ merā bah rang-e māh-e nau
māh-e nau hotā hai akṡar ai ʿazīzāñ kam-numā

[he is little-apparent, my youthful boy, in the manner of the new moon
the new moon is usually, oh dear friends, little-apparent]

But Vali's theme is very commonplace, and the meaning too is very little.



I have nothing special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --