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sāvan : 'The fourth Hindū month, July-August (beginning when the sun enters Cancer: its full moon is near Shravana or α Aquilæ): —sāvan-bhādoñ s.m. Sunshine and rain'. (Platts p.630)
bhādoñ : 'The fifth month of the Hindūs (corresponding to a period in our calendar from about the middle of August to the middle of September), when the moon is full near the wing of Pegasus: — bhādoñ kī bharan , s.f. Heavy August rains, which fill the tanks, &c., and flood the fields:. (Platts p.178)
sabzah : 'Verdure, herbage; bloom'. (Platts p.632)
ser-āb : 'Full of water, saturated; moist, succulent; satisfied with drink; satisfied; —fresh, blooming; fertile, rich'. (Platts p.710)
TERMS == CONNECTION; IDIOM; PROOFThe idiom opens out into a verse about gardening. An ordinary garden would be expected to respond first with with greenness to the rains of Savan, and then with dryness to the hot sun of Bhadon. It would thus participate in the cycle of fertility that creates the life (and death) of the rose.
But the 'greenery' of the lovers' eyelashes was from a different world entirely-- if it was watery or verdant [ser-āb], then-- thā so thā . Which could be read with several implications:
='Our eyelashes were internally irrigated, so they didn't respond to external seasonal changes in moisture.'
='Our eyelashes were watered with briny salt-water tears, so that they could never experience any organic growth.'
='Our eyelashes were constantly submerged in tears, so that they could never change at all.'
It's left up to us to decide the exact nature of the contrast between a real garden and the 'greenery' of lovers' eyelashes. Could there even be, lurking in the background, a hint of the 'greenness' of stagnant water?