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furoġh : 'Illumination, light, brightness, splendour; flame; —glory, fame, honour'. (Platts p.780)
tābāñ : 'Hot, burning; light, luminous, shining, radiant, brilliant, resplendent, glittering'. (Platts p.303)
farāġh : 'Freedom (from business, &c.), disengagement'. (Platts p.777)
mah-tāb : 'The moon; —moonlight, moonshine'. (Platts p.1098)
TERMS == DEVICEThe opposition (as well as the wordplay of course) between mah-e tābāñ and mah-tāb is at the heart of the verse. The moon's light is comparatively scorching to those vulnerable ones with burnt hearts, while the 'moonlight' of the beloved's face is blissfully cool.
This comparison does seem to suggest that the beloved's face is less brilliant and radiant than the real moon, but for the purposes of the verse we're clearly not supposed to go there.