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kyā balā-ḳhez jā hai kūchah-e ʿishq
tum bhī yāñ mīr mol ik ghar lo
1a) what a disaster-producing place it is, the street of passion!
1b) as if it's a disaster-producing place, the street of passion!
1c) is it a disaster-producing place, the street of passion?
2) even/also you, here, Mir, [should] buy a single/particular/unique/excellent house
ek : 'One, single, sole, alone, only, a, an; the same, identical; only one; a certain one; single of its kind, unique, singular, preëminent, excellent'. (Platts p.113)
TERMS == FAUX-NAIF; INSHA'IYAH; 'TUMULT-AROUSING'Not only are both lines insha'iyah, as SRF notes, but the verse is also a textbook case of the glorious use of the 'kya effect'. Just consider the three possible readings of the first line: 'What a disastrous place it is!' (1a); 'As if it's a disastrous place!' (of course it's not!) (1b); and 'Is it a disastrous place?' (1c). Needless to say, each of the three possible readings works brilliantly, and complexly, with the second line.
Then, the second line offers a piquant range of possibilities for that ik (see the definition above). Perhaps it's not 'another' house that the speaker is urging Mir to buy (one house here, one house there), but some 'particular' or 'unique' or 'excellent' house. If so, does it follow that all the houses available in this street are extraordinary? Or should Mir take pains to procure one with special qualities?
What's clear from the yāñ is that the action is taking place in the street of passion itself. 'Mir' is strolling around, admiring it because it is-- or isn't, at first appearance-- so disaster-producing, or else he is wondering about its disastrousness. He's apparently a newcomer, but he likes what he sees. The bhī makes it clear that other people (other friends? other lovers? other wretched ones?) already live here. Either an enthusiastic friend is urging him to join the crew, or else he's considering the idea favorably in his own mind.
This verse can't help but evoke Ghalib's irresistible take on a similar situation:
Note for translation fans: It's a purely English ambiguity, that 'you buy' can be either an imperative or an indicative. But the Urdu offers a similar ambiguity of its own: tum mol lo can be either an imperative or a future subjunctive. Moral: a careful translator needs to be alert to recognize such possible confusions and find ways to forestall them.