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phir : 'Afterwards, subsequently; thereafter, thereupon, then; in that case'. (Platts p.285)
kis qadar : '(adj. & adv.) How much? to what extent or degree?'. (Platts p.788)
TERMS == AFFINITY; REPLYReally, the use of ho in the first line is beautifully contrived as a perfect storm of grammatical possibilities, every single one of them appropriate to the context of the verse, every single one fully operative with the second line. SRF mentions the familiar imperative ('be!'), the familiar future subjunctive ('you might/would be'), the indicative ('you are'); I would add one more ho kar with colloquial kar -deletion ('having become').
Then the second line rests on a version of the 'kya effect'; since kis qadar can be either adjectival or adverbial, for yār tak phir to kis qadar hai rāh a variety of readings can be framed. Here are the main kinds:
=to what extent is there a road? (a question, seeking information)
=to what an extent there is a road! (what an impressive extent of road there is!)
=to what extent is there a road! (none at all, of course-- there can be no such road!)There remains as a finishing touch: the elegant ambiguity of the multivalent little word phir , which can mean 'then' in either a sequential ('afterwards, subsequently') or a logical ('thereupon, in that case') sense. If we take the phir as marking merely a sequence, then the verse imagines a 'step 1' of tearing the heart, followed by 'step 2' of going on to explore the road to the beloved.
Alternatively, if we take the phir as a logical 'therefore', then the conclusion about the road to the beloved in the second line must follow from how we interpret the first line. This is, after all, the range that 'then' has in English: from 'He went to the grocery store, then he went to the pharmacy' to 'If you believe that, then your behavior must change'.
Truly it's a spectacular verse-- so simple-looking in its vocabulary and language, yet generating such a thick, complex penumbra of possibilities, from the rosiest optimism to the bleakest despair.