āñkhoñ se rāh ʿishq kī ham jūñ nigah gaʾe
āḳhir ko rote rote pareshāñ ho bah'h gaʾe
1) by means of the eyes, on the road of passion we, like a glance/gaze, went
2) finally, weeping and weeping, we became agitated/disordered and flowed away
In the opening-verse there's nothing special, but in it is a little 'entanglement of meaning' [taʿqīd-e maʿnavī]. The meaning of the verse is that 'On the road of love we moved along by means of the eyes-- and then too, we moved along so far, and so fast, that it was the way a glance/gaze moves. But there was no benefit even from this; and finally, weeping and weeping, we flowed away like eyes'. (In olden times it was believed that from weeping and weeping the eyes flowed away.)