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ma;hv : 'Erased, effaced, obliterated; forgotten; abolished; annihilated; —overpowered (by), struck or astonished, thunder-struck; fascinated, charmed, captivated; mad (from love), distracted (with terror or grief); —engrossed, absorbed, rapt (in)'. (Platts p.1010)
TERMSIt's also effective that the beloved is referred to as a kaam-e jaa;N , one who was 'the desire of his life' for 'Mir'. The intensity and absoluteness of the phrase remind us that the range of meanings for ma;hv includes the common colloquial sense of 'engrossed, absorbed, rapt' (see the definition above).
Perhaps when shadows disappear, it's not because they simply vanish or dissipate (and thus 'die'). Perhaps the shadows instead may merge rapturously, absorbedly, into the figure to whom they are so intimately attached. Perhaps when the shadow-Mir 'went' from our view, he did not simply die, but was somehow (mystically?) absorbed into his beloved.