


us āhū-e ramīdah kī shoḳhī kaheñ so kyā
dikhlāʾī de gayā to chhalāvā sā chhal gayā

1) the mischievousness of that wild/panicky deer-- what can we say?!
2) when it showed itself and then went, it vanished/faked like a will-o'-the-wisp



ramīdah : 'Terrified, alarmed, scared, horror-struck, disturbed, afflicted'. (Platts p.599)


chhalāvā ho jānā : 'To turn into or be like a will-o-thʼ-wisp,' to vanish or disappear suddenly, to elude search or pursuit.


chhalnā : 'To deceive, delude, trick, cheat, outwit, circumvent, impose on; to evade; to feign, pretend; to represent falsely; to personate'. (Platts p.463)

S. R. Faruqi:

chhalnā = to be untouched; to trick

The reason for the epithet chhalāvā is that people are tricked by him/her; that is, the work of a chhalāvā is trickery. One meaning of chhalnā is 'to be ungrasped'. Another reason for this meaning is that a traveller sees a light from afar, he hastens toward it, but he can't manage to reach it. The beauty of all these things is obtained by declaring the beloved to be a 'wild deer' and 'mischievous'. Otherwise, simply to apply the label of a tricky will-o'-the-wisp is mere words, and lacks any 'proof'.

For example, this verse of Muhabbat Khan Muhabbat's:

chhalāve kī nimat̤ bas dil ko chhal kar
huʾā ik bār vuh dildār chaltā

[like a will-o'-the-wisp-- having tricked the heart
that heart-possessor, one time, walked along]

It's the same theme, but because the will-o'-the-wisp image isn't connected to any explanatory image, the verse has become limp. In Mir's verse the aspect of dikhāʾī degā is augmented-- that is, she is very rarely visible, and even when she's visible then it's from afar, and for a moment. The beloved --> a wild deer --> a will-o'-the-wisp --> to vanish; this is the kind of poetry that's called 'connected' [marbūt̤]. That is, everything should be mutually interrelated, or both lines should have a full relationship of words and meaning.



I have nothing special to add.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --