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taḥrīk : 'Putting in motion; motion, movement, agitation, commotion; incitement, stimulus, encouragement, excitement, instigation, temptation'. (Platts p.312)
nigāh karnā : 'To look (at), to observe, view, regard, notice; —to overlook [=look over], to inspect'. (Platts p.1151)
haiʾat : 'Face, countenance; aspect; figure; exterior form; —state, quality; —manner, mode, style, fashion'. (Platts p.1244)
TERMS == 'THEME-CREATION'You wouldn't just 'look' [dekhnā], you'd also 'observe' [nigāh karnā]-- so you'd probably be looking intently or contemplating, surely over some period of time. Yet the longer you contemplated or observed yourself in the flowing water, the more you'd see endless dissolves and fragmentations, so that you could hardly become familiar with even your 'own' face.
But what kind of an insight (or failure of insight) would this process generate? The verse tells us that this process is taḥrīk chalne kī , which could almost be translated as 'the movement of moving', giving rise to spectacular word- and meaning-play (and a crazy, dizzying sense of instability).
Of course, it could also be read as 'the instigation/incitement of movement [by you]'-- that is, when you see how your reflection in running water is ceaselessly moving, the sight stimulates you yourself to keep moving as well (out of desperation? out of blind imitation? with resigned melancholy? out of a detached sense of the instability of life?).
Or it could be read as 'the agitation of movement [by you]'-- which could mean that watching your face in the water creates either a literal agitation (you fidget restlessly, you shift from foot to foot) or a metaphorical one (the sight makes you anxious or excited).
Or instead, the 'movement' could be not that of the viewer, but that of the water, or the reflection, or an idea in the viewer's head ('this is what movement is'), so that the viewer might be learning the nature of movement in a more abstract way. (The viewer might then similarly contemplate a rock, to learn what 'stability' is.)
In short, it's a multiply moving verse about the movement of moving. Its mood can be anything you like. It will flow like water, reflecting your own moving moods.
A personal note: Today happens to be my birthday. This verse is a perfect birthday verse.