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rasm : 'Marking out, delineating, designing; —sketch, outline, model, plan; way followed (in respect of doctrine and practices of religion, &c.), manner, custom, practice, usage, settled mode; injunction, precept, canon, law'. (Platts p.592)
ʿādat : 'Custom, habit, manner, wont, usage, practice'. (Platts p.756)
TERMS == THEMENote for grammar fans: The verbs are singular, even where they have two subjects, because this is the practice in Urdu: after a series of subjects, the verb agrees in number and gender with the last one in the series. So mihr and vafā , and then rasm and ʿādat , could be read either as fixed pairs (which would take a singular verb because they are like compound nouns), or else as independent nouns that are following the normal agreement practice. I have adjusted the translation to reflect English pluralization, because otherwise it would have looked completely wrong.