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registaa;N me;N jaa ke rahe;N yaa
sangistaa;N me;N ham jogii
raat hu))ii jis jaagah ham ko ham ne vahii;N bisraam kiyaa
1) whether we would go and remain in a desert/'sand-place', or are a yogi/ascetic in a wilderness/'stone-place' 2) in whatever place night came to us, right there we rested
jaagah = jagah
bisraam : 'Rest, repose, quiet, ease, cessation from labour or fatigue'. (Platts p.155)
TERMS == AFFINITYIt truly is a wonderful verse. It's the kind you don't even have to say much about, it just settles with great dignity and calm into your mind. Especially the second line.
And of course in the light of of that second line, the first line becomes far more striking. The only alternatives-- and apparently an exhaustive or at least fully representative set-- are a 'sand-place' and a 'stone-place'. No other possible resting-places seem to come to mind at all. While registaa;N is a common word for a desert, sangistaa;N is unusual, so that it calls attention both to itself and to its kinship with registaa;N . Sand and stone-- one kind of desolateness or another-- and a wandering randomly between them. These possibilities apparently sum up the ascetic's choices in both life and death.
Moreover, bisraam is a conspicuously Hindi-side word, coming from the Sanskrit vishraam . It thus adds force to the Hindu term jogii ; the speaker's choices are thus not just religiously neutral but even pointedly non-Islamic.