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hangāmah : 'A convention, an assembly, a meeting; a crowd;—noise, tumult, commotion, confusion, uproar; sedition, disturbance, disorder; an affray; assault'. (Platts p.1238)
qiyāmat : 'The resurrection, the last day; —confusion, commotion, tumult, uproar, extraordinary to-do; anything extraordinary; a scene of trouble or distress; a great calamity; excess'. (Platts p.796)
shorish : 'Commotion, confusion, tumult, disturbance, insurrection'. (Platts p.736)
TERMSThis verse is the second, and final, verse in a kind of quasi-verse-set; for discussion, see {1781,1}.
All four lines in the two verses are insha'iyah, and together they create a passionate, exclamatory prayer.
In shorish se the inconspicuous little se does some excellent work, as SRF notes. It can be instrumental: the uproar of Doomsday was raised 'by means of' the commotion created by the madman, who was loudly and deliberately jangling his chains to make as much noise as possible. Or it can signal an effect: the uproar of Doomsday was raised 'because of' the crazed confusion in the madman's own head and behavior; perhaps he hardly knew what he was doing at all.
Note for grammar fans: For discussion of uṭhā jāve , see the grammar note in {1781,1}.