


jo koʾī us be-vafā se dil lagātā hai bahut
vuh sitam-gar us sitam-kash ko satātā hai bahut

1) whoever attaches his heart to that faithless one, greatly
2) that tyranny-doer torments that tyranny-receiver greatly



sitam : 'Tyranny, oppression, injustice, extortion, distress, injury, violence, outrage, affliction, threatening, vexation'. (Platts p.638)

S. R. Faruqi:

The opening-verse is by way of introduction.

But there's a small point: that in order to be tormented, the condition is that someone would attach his heart 'greatly'. That is, a casual, superficial, perfunctory affection she doesn't consider worthy of being tormented.



If someone 'attaches' his heart strongly to the beloved, then it's not surprising that he would experience her essential behavior very directly, since it can be transmitted so easily. Thus there's a powerful ongoing tyranny-transfusion from her to the lover. She's the giver, he's the taker, of an endless flow of 'tyranny, oppression, injustice, extortion, distress, injury, violence, outrage, affliction, threatening, vexation'. And really, what more could any lover want?


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --