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āñkh lagī hai jab se us se āñkh lagī zinhār nahīñ
nīñd ātī hai dil-jamʿī meñ so to dil ko qarār nahīñ
1) ever since the eyes have become 'attached' to her, the eyes haven't at all closed/'attached' [to each other]-- beware!
2) sleep comes in heart-composure-- and so, the heart has no stability
āñkh lagnā : ''The eyes to close'; to fall asleep, to doze; to have the eyes fixed on another (as an object of affection), to be enamoured (of)'. (Platts p.95)
zinhār : 'Care, caution; protection, defence, patronage; —intj. Take care! beware! mind !—adv. (followed by neg. nah ), By no means, on no account; never'. (Platts p.618)
qarār : 'Fixedness, fixity; permanence; consistency; stability, firmness, constancy; tenacity (of purpose); —rest, repose, quietness, quiet, peace, tranquillity; quietude, patient waiting, patience'. (Platts p.789)
TERMS == IDIOM; ZILAIt's such a minor verse; the idiomatic pleasures are so cut-and-dried (except for the so to that SRF has pointed out). Probably SRF included it to make up the minimum of three verses that he likes to select from a single ghazal.