yād kar vuh din kih har yak ḥalqah tere dām
intiz̤ār-e ṣaid meñ ik dīdah-e
be-ḳhvāb thā
1) recall that day, when every single circle of your
2) in the wait/lookout for prey, was a single/particular/unique/excellent sleepless eye
intiz̤ār : 'Expecting, waiting (anxiously); looking out; expectation; expectancy'. (Platts p.87)
Urdu text: Vajid 1902 {15}
He says, 'You remember those days too, when every circle of your net was an unsleeping eye, in waiting for prey'. How eloquently the simile of the circle of a net for an unsleeping eye (which is open at all times because of its unsleepingness) has been established. (34)
That is, you wanted someone to die [of love] for you. I'm that very one who, before all the others, fell in love with you. Now why have your eyes been averted from me? (In every way he wants to make the beloved gracious. It's the common rule that when past events of love are recalled, then love is aroused afresh.) (38)
This is the second and concluding verse of the little verse-set that began with {15,13}. Images of the Hunter [ṣaiyād] and the prey are of course common in the ghazal world.
Each circle of the hunter's net is a round, open eye; and
the activity the hunter is engaged in is, by no coincidence, intiz̤ār
with its root of naz̤ar , 'sight, vision, gaze' etc.
The Hunter is engaged in 'waiting' by extension from the literal sense
of 'looking out'.
These [two verses] are a verse-set, and 'circle of the net' has been used as a simile for 'sleepless eye'. The reason for the similitude is that the sleepless eye, like the circle of the net, remains open. (17)
== Nazm page 17