If you’re new to
Ghalib and just want to check out a
few verses, you could try {18,3},
about Laila and Majnun; or {62,5},
which has a rueful sense of humor; or {71,2}, a brilliant tangle
of curls and thoughts; or the impossibly simple and
lovely {95,6}; or, if
you're a wine-drinker, {114,5}.
For amusement, try {116,3};
for cold chills, {126,5};
or for metaphysical delight, {138,1}, about the sky and
an ant’s egg; or {10,12},
about what holds our lives together.
If you want to look at a whole ghazal, two well-known
and well-loved ones are {20}
and {111}, which both
come equipped with anthologies of translations. Or
there’s the smashing {10}, the juicy {14}, the cleverly simple {35}, the seductive {49}, the beautifully flowing {78}, the brilliantly
swingy {115}, or the
quite irresistible {208}.
On a ghazal page, every verse number
is a hyperlink to a special page for that verse. The script
bar near the top of ghazal pages
(and at the bottom of others) will give you
viewing choices; for Devanagari
readers, a special
If you
know your way around in the ghazal
world, here’s some analytical access,
and a SITEMAP.
For regular visitors: a progress report.
an index in traditional order
[alternatively: *a truly
alphabetical index*]
[about the *unpublished ghazals*]
*Ending in ā — ghazals {1} - {48}*
*Ending in b
— ghazal {49}*
*Ending in t
— ghazals {50} - {53}*
*Ending in j
— ghazals {54} - {55}*
*Ending in ch
— ghazal {56}*
*Ending in d
— ghazal {57}*
*Ending in r
— ghazals {58} - {66}*
*Ending in z
— ghazals {67} - {71}*
*Ending in s
— ghazal {72}*
*Ending in sh
— ghazal {73}*
*Ending in ʿ
— ghazals {74} - {75}*
*Ending in f
— ghazal {76}*
*Ending in k
— ghazals {77} - {78}*
*Ending in g
— ghazal {79}*
*Ending in l
— ghazal {80}*
*Ending in m
— ghazals {81} - {83}*
*Ending in n
— ghazals {84} - {116}*
*Ending in o
— ghazals {117} -
*Ending in h
— ghazals {128} - {129}*
Ending in e or ī
— *ghazals {130} - {180}*,
*ghazals {181} - {234}*
index above has the form of five pages
that follow the traditional sequence of the muravvaj dīvān —
*ghazals {1} - {48}*,
ending in ā
*ghazals {49} - {83}*,
ending in b through m
*ghazals {84) - {129}*,
ending in n through h
*ghazals {130} - {180}*,
ending in e and ī
— part one
*ghazals {181} - {234}*,
ending in e and ī
— part two
-- Alternatively, here's an analytical index that
presents the divan ghazals in consistent
alphabetical order according to radīf
and qāfiyah —
*ghazals {1} - {48}*, ending
in ā
*ghazals {49} - {83}*,
ending in b through m
*ghazals {84) - {129}*,
ending in n through h
from ghazals {130} - {234} — *ghazals that end in hai *
from ghazals {130} - {234} — *ghazals
that end in ī *
from ghazals {130} - {234} — *ghazals
that end in e *
Unpublished verses from
divan ghazals are textually available
through the index page of each ghazal; click on the 'Raza 1995' link and go to
the indicated page. Selected verses receive commentary,
also linked through the regular ghazal index page. For
details, see S. R.
Faruqi’s choices.
are textually available through the index below; for
general discussion of them see {4,8x}.
There is also an overview page for them. Commentary is linked to verses for which it is available.
*xx ghazals ending in ā * [numbered as 235x-273x]
*xx ghazals ending in b through m
* [numbered as 274x-314x]
*xx ghazals ending in n through h
* [numbered as 315x-356x]
*xx ghazals ending in hai *
[numbered as 357x-402x]
*xx ghazals ending in ī * [numbered as 403x-417x]
*xx ghazals ending in e * [numbered as 418x-441x]
== General review (and enjoyment): completed. I plan now to work on Mir for a while. ==