Ghazal 57, Verse 2


manṣab-e sheftagī ke koʾī qābil nah rahā
huʾī maʿzūlī-e andāz-o-adā mere baʿd

1) for the ministry/post of madness/infatuation, no qualified person remained
2) there was a dismissal of style/elegance and coquetry, after me


manṣab : 'Post, office, station, dignity; ministry; magistracy.' (Platts. p. 1077)


sheftah : 'Mad; distracted (with love), infatuated, enamoured'. (Platts p.740)


qābil : 'Receiving, taking; admitting (of, - ke ), capable (of); sufficient (for); possible, practicable; liable (to); capable, able, clever, skilful, competent, fit, qualified; deserving, worthy; --a fit or competent person, an able man, &c.'. (Platts p.785)


maʿzūlī : 'Removal (from office), dismissal; deposition; dethronement; --disgrace'. (Platts p.1048)


In this verse ke is for an iẓāfat , otherwise it would have been . (51)

== Nazm page 51; Nazm page 52

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, now no one has remained worthy of the ministry of passion. This post has become empty, and along with that the airs and graces of the beloveds have become useless and void. (97)

Bekhud Mohani:

Airs and graces sent me (since I was a true lover of the beloveds) down into the dust. As a punishment for this crime, the beloveds dismissed them, for because of their tyranny such a lover no longer remained. (164)


MADNESS: {14,3}

Ghalib doesn't often use bureaucratic imagery, but when he does it's always witty and enjoyable. In this verse the lover imagines a bureaucratic context for the aftermath of his departure (into death). There is turmoil in the ranks of the civil service. No one is now fit to preside over the Ministry of Madness, and the airs and graces have all been dismissed from their posts, with prejudice. In short, the whole administrative apparatus of passion is in utter disarray, its work has all ground to a halt, since the lover has been gone. Without him, how can it function?

For more dead-lover-speaks verses, see {57,1}.

Note for grammar fans: Despite its ending, the ke modifies someone [koʾī] who is masculine singular (because of rahā ). It's that adverbial-looking non-agreeing possession form, like us ke ek beṭā hai . Notice that Platts explains it especially as going with qābil (see the definition above).


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