Ghazal 57, Verse 5


dar-ḳhvur-e ʿarẓ nahīñ jauhar-e bedād ko jā
nigah-e nāz hai surme se ḳhafā mere baʿd

1) there is no place fit/worthy for display/presentation, for the jewel/essence/quality of cruelty
2) the glance/gaze of coquetry is angry with collyrium, after me


ʿarẓ : 'Presenting or representing; representation, petition, request, address... Breadth, width;... --a military muster, a review.'. (Platts p.760)


jauhar : 'A gem, jewel; a pearl; essence, matter, substance , ... absolute or essential property; skill, knowledge, accomplishment, art; excellence, worth, merit, virtue'. (Platts. p. 399)


jauhar-e bedād -- that is, in her eyes there's no place for collyrium. 'Worthy of the display'-- that is, worthy of mention. The word ʿarẓ has been brought in only for its affinity with jauhar . (52)

== Nazm page 52

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, there remained no occasion for displaying the jauhar of the cruelty of injustice. That is, I died, so after me the glance of coquetry began to be disgusted with collyrium. The meaning is that after the death of a connoisseur of beauty like me, the beautiful ones have begun to despise self-adornment. (98)

Bekhud Mohani:

Now the jauhar of the cruelty of injustice--that is, the coquetry of the beloved-- finds no one on which its glory could fully display itself. Thus the glance of co quetry is disgusted with collyrium. That is, when no one can even endure the glance of those collyrium-stained eyes, then applying collyrium is useless. (125)


GAZE: {10,12}
JAUHAR: {5,4}

As Nazm observes, arẓ and jauhar are at the heart of this verse. In logic, the two are related somewhat like 'accident' and 'essence', but their applicability is much wider as well. For what use is an 'excellence, merit, accomplishment', without a suitable venue for displaying it to advantage?

After the lover's death, the glance of coquetry is angry with collyrium (on collyrium see {44,1}). Because the lover isn't there to provide an ideally devoted and submissive audience for the coquettish glances, so the beloved decides to stop bothering with her eye makeup? Because the coquettish glances worked all too well, and killed the lover, so that from now on they must be a bit toned down, to avoid such losses (of suitable prey) in the future? Because the beloved actually did feel some sorrow at his loss, and so abandons makeup for a period of mourning? (Or, of course, why not all of the above?)

For more on jauhar , see {5,4}. On dead-lover-speaks verses, see {57,1}.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --