ġham se martā hūñ kih itnā nahīñ
dunyā meñ koʾī
kih kare taʿziyat-e mihr-o-vafā mere baʿd
1) I die of grief, that in the world there is not even so much as anyone
2) who would console/mourn love and faithfulness, after me
taʿziyat : 'Consoling; condolence; lamentation, mourning'. (Platts p.327)
He says, 'I die of grief because along with my dying, love and faithfulness too would come to an end. And then there's not even anybody who would mourn for love and faithfulness after me.' (99)
I am so faithful that faithfulness itself will mourn for me. It's impossible that there would be anyone like me again. There is not even anyone who would provide faithfulness with a bit of consolation. (126)
[The first line] ought to be like this: mar gaya ġham se par itnā nahīñ dunyā meñ koʾī -- 'I died of grief, but there was not even anyone in the world'. (209)
The lover metaphorically 'dies of grief' (just as in English we say 'it kills me'). And what 'kills' him is that of all the things lacking in this heartless world, the really cruelest is that there won't even be 'this much', there won't even be anyone-- and then we have to wait (under mushairah performance conditions) till we are allowed to hear line two with its multiple possibilities of loss and mourning, of taʿziyat (see the definition above). The lover 'dies of grief' because after he is gone--
=no one will even think to go and say a few words of consolation
to Love and Faithfulness, who will be grieving for the irreplaceable loss of
a lover like him.
=no one will be able to reconcile Love and Faithfulness to his loss, since no
one will be able to become a lover like him.
=no one will mourn for love and faithfulness, qualities that will vanish from
the world with his death.
=no one else will mourn for love and faithfulness-- qualities that had vanished
from the world long before the lover's time-- the way he mourned for them.
All these possibilities-- a whole litany of the lover's sufferings and sorrows-- are entirely present within the carefully framed grammar of the second line.
And of course, the lover not only metaphorically but also literally does die, and what he dies of may very well be-- grief.
That is, I'm dying of this grief: that no one, after me, would even ask kindly after love and faithfulness as I have done. That is, before death, grief is killing me. (53)
== Nazm page 53