Ghazal 90, Verse 1


ham se khul jāʾo bah vaqt-e mai-parastī ek din
varnah ham chheṛeñge rakh kar ʿużr-e mastī ek din

1) become open with us at the time of wine-exaltation, one day
2) otherwise, we'll pester/rebuke you, having given the excuse of intoxication, one day


khulnā : 'To open, come open or undone; to open, expand, blow (as a flower; com. khilnā ); to open out, unravel; ... to be untied or unfastened; to be uncovered, be unfolded, be exposed... —to be expanded, be widened or enlarged; to be developed; —to be solved (as a problem or mystery), to be made known, be disclosed, be divulged, be revealed'. (Platts p.879)


parastī : 'Adoration, worship (used in comp.)'. (Platts p.248)


chheṛnā : 'To touch, lay the hand on, pass the hand over; to meddle with, molest, interrupt, disturb, trouble, annoy, tease, torment, worry, irritate, vex, excite, provoke; ... —to question closely, or searchingly, or strictly, to call to account, take to task, censure, rebuke'. (Platts p.468)


khul jāʾo -- that is, become informal [be-takalluf]. (89)

== Nazm page 89

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, at the time of wine-drinking someday, become informal with us. If you won't do this, then we will pester you someday. (140)

Bekhud Mohani:

Someday, when drinking wine, become informal with us. That is, if you are ashamed or don't find any excuse, then we say, become informal when drinking wine. No one will have an occasion to object; people will say 'she was intoxicated'. And to me too you can say, 'Hey there [ajī], get hold of yourself-- I too was intoxicated, that was the state of intoxication'. If you won't do this, then someday, giving the excuse of intoxication, I will pester you and nobody at all will be able to blame me. (183)


WINE: {49,1}

This is a wicked and amusing little verse, isn't it? It invokes in the first line wine as an intoxicant, an opener-up and loosener of inhibitions, a liberator from rationality and conscious choice-- and even in fact something to be 'adored, worshipped' (see the definition of parastī above). And in the second line it invokes intoxication as an excuse, an alibi for otherwise unacceptable behavior. But then, if the beloved ever 'opens up' to the lover, wouldn't it be a deliberate choice on her part, rather than the result of her naively having a few drinks too many? And similarly, would the lover really be intoxicated, when he claimed intoxication as an alibi?

The tone is light and witty-- this is less a serious proposition than a kind of joke. It is tongue-in-cheek, it is light banter. The beloved as we know her is too powerful to be blackmailed in this way, and too self-willed to require an excuse for any kind of behavior in which she chooses to indulge.

In this verse I'm not sure varnah has its double sense, since the future tense seems to be a special case. And in this particular verse whatever time-frame varnah may permit is not too significant, because the whole plot of this verse is located in the vague and unspecified future-- 'one day'. This is part of what makes it feel like just a bit of teasing in the first place. We know perfectly well that the lover's plan is not going to work. And of course, so does he.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --