gunjāʾish-e ʿadāvat-e aġhyār
yak t̤araf
yāñ dil meñ ẓuʿf se havas-e yār bhī nahīñ
1) [leaving to] one side the scope/capacity for enmity toward
the Others
2) here, in the heart, from weakness, there’s not even desire for
the friend/beloved
gunjāʾish : 'Holding, containing; room, capacity; room to contain, stowage'. (Platts 917)
He says, not to mention scope for enmity toward the Others, after the passing of the era of passion and desire, here there's no longer even a heartfelt attraction to the beloved. (170)
How can hostility toward the Rivals and enemies remain in my heart? When because of weakness, I'm entering a state in which even the longing to meet the beloved no longer remains in the heart. (226)
Some of the wordplay consists of striking pairs of opposites: 'enmity' versus 'desire', 'enmity' versus 'friend', 'Others' vs. 'friend'. They're even grouped into two iẓāfat phrases: 'enmity toward Others' vs. 'desire for the friend/beloved'.
But more subtly and enjoyably, the first line begins with 'scope, capacity' [gunjāʾish] and ends with '[to] one side' [yak t̤araf]. Just as in English, 'scope' is a broadly metaphorical term; just as in English, 'leaving aside X' is normally read merely as a metaphor for exclusion. So both seem unremarkable. Even when at the beginning of the first line we encounter 'here', we tend to give it the normal, least-marked reading: 'here where the speaker is, here in the lover's world'.
Only when we go on to perceive it as part of the strongly situated 'here in the heart' [yāñ dil meñ], do we realize that all along we've indeed been talking about actual space, scope, capacity. And, by extension (sorry!), it becomes clear that the 'enmity toward the Others' could almost be thought of as having been '[pushed to] one side' in a crowded storeroom. 'Here in the heart', weakness has caused a general contraction and collapse: not only have all extraneous things been shoved off to the side, but the center itself cannot hold. Desire for the beloved, that ultimate value of the ghazal world, has itself collapsed, leaving behind it an almost unimaginable emptiness.
This verse reminds me of {5,2},
in which the heart is similarly stripped of all its deepest contents; but
in that verse, the image is of the burnt-out shell of a house after a conflagration;
in this verse, it's something like a terrible, shrunken void after a collapse.
That is, from the weakness, the heart feels such sadness that, not to mention scope for enmity toward the Others, it can't contain even desire for the beloved. (121)
== Nazm page 121