Ghazal 139, Verse 10


kis t̤araḥ kāṭe koʾī shab'hā-e tār-e barsh-kāl
hai naz̤ar ḳhū-kardah-e aḳhtar-shumārī hāʾe hāʾe

1) how would anyone pass the black nights of the rainy season?
2) the gaze is habituated to star-counting-- alas!



That is, we had the habit, in the ardor for union and the night of separation, of passing the night in counting stars. Now, how can we pass these dark nights of the rainy season? The rainy season is a metaphor for weeping, and he has called the nights of grief 'nights of blackness'. (149)

== Nazm page 149

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, we used to take pleasure, during the hours of waiting and the nights of separation, in passing the time counting stars. Now how will we pass these dark nights of the rainy season? He has constructed the nights of grief as dark nights, and the rainy season is a metaphor for weeping. (206)

Bekhud Mohani:

How could anyone endure the dark nights of the rainy season? In winter and summer the nights were spent counting stars. That is, since your death, passing the days of the rainy season has become very difficult. (273)



For extensive commentary on this whole very unusual ghazal, see {139,1}.

I have nothing to add to the commentators' explanations.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --