ʿishq ne pakṛā nah thā ġhālib
abhī vaḥshat kā rang
rah gayā thā dil meñ jo kuchh żauq-e ḳhvārī hāʾe hāʾe
1) passion had not yet taken on, Ghalib, the aspect/mood
of madness
2) whatever had remained in the heart-- a taste/relish for wretchedness--
ḳhvārī : 'Contemptibleness, meanness, baseness, vileness; abjectness, friendlessness, wretchedness, distress'. (Platts p.494)
He says, oh Ghalib, my passion had not yet assumed the aspect of madness. That is, I had not yet performed roaming and desert-wandering, when for fear of disgrace, my beloved gave up her life. And in my heart this kind of taste/relish for wretchedness remained in my heart. (207)
That is, your beauty was such that if you had remained alive, my passion would certainly have reached the level of madness. (274)
For extensive commentary on this whole very unusual ghazal, see {139,1}.
Apparently this closing-verse was composed to replace {139,13x}, which used the same rhyme-word but had 'Asad' rather than 'Ghalib'.
I have nothing to add to the commentators' remarks.
It had not yet come the time for my roaming about and desert-wandering, when through the shame of disgrace the beloved gave up her life. And the relish for wretchedness that had been in my heart, remained in my heart. (150)
== Nazm page 150