Ghazal 162, Verse 5


yih parī-chahrah log kaise haiñ
ġhamzah-o-ʿishvah-o-adā kyā hai

1a) these Pari-faced people-- what are they like?
1b) these Pari-faced people-- what they are like!

2a) sidelong glances, and blandishments, and coquetries-- what are they?
2b) sidelong glances, and blandishments, and coquetries-- what they are!


ʿishvah : 'Darkness, the first of the darkness (of the night); — a confused and dubious affair, or venture, or undertaking, an obscure or concealed affair; a dangerous affair; — a fire seen from a distance at night; a beacon; — (met.) coquetry, ogling, blandishments, amorous playfulness'. (Platts p.761)


[See the discussion in {162,4}.]

== Nazm page 174; Nazm page 175

Bekhud Dihlavi:

When in this world there's no one else except You, then how are these Pari-like lovely ones and beautiful people to be seen? These people's sidelong glances and airs and graces-- what things are they? (233)

Bekhud Mohani:

[See the discussion in {162,4}.]



This is the second verse of a four-verse verse-set. For general discussion of the whole verse-set, see {162,4}.

This is the most radically inshāʾiyah verse of the whole verse-set-- both lines may be either sincerely interrogative ('Why, God, are all these beautiful and flirtatious people here?') or admiringly exclamatory ('How amazing these beautiful ones are, how powerful their coquetry!').

Remember Galadriel? Might she not count as an example of the parī-chahrah log ?


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --