maiñ jo gustāḳh hūñ āʾīn-e
ġhazal-ḳhvānī meñ
yih bhī terā hī karam żauq-fizā hotā hai
1) if/when I am presumptuous/audacious in the rules/customs
of ghazal-recitation
2) even/also this is [habitually] only/emphatically your {taste/relish}-enhancing benevolence
gustāḳh : 'Presumptuous, arrogant, insolent, audacious, impudent, saucy, uncivil, rude; cruel; abrupt'. (Platts p.910)
āʾīn : 'Body of laws, code; enactment, edict, ordinance, canon, decree, rule; custom, manner'. (Platts p.116)
He says, 'If I break the rules of ghazal-recitation and become a praiser of you, this is because of your generosity'; that is, your generosity keeps increasing the taste for praise-recitation. (258)
If in ghazal recitation I do shameless things, then this too is your blessing especially/alone. (350)
This is the fourth and final verse of a four-verse verse-set that begins with {177,9}. For discussion of the verse-set as a whole, see {177,9}.
What is the gustāḳh behavior to which the verse refers, and what ghazal 'laws' or 'norms' are being violated? Bekhud Dihlavi thinks it's the insertion of personal praises into a ghazal (though in fact this is hardly so rare as to be against the 'laws' of the ghazal).
S. R. Faruqi proposes (Nov. 2005) that while Ghalib ought to have composed a whole ode to the King, the King's generous encouragement has moved him simply to insert a few verses in a ghazal, then to return to the ghazal's normal themes of passion.
Gyan Chand considers this to be a verse of 'veiled sarcasm' against Zauq, as he makes clear in his commentary on {211,8x}.
The meaning of the verse-set is clear. (200)
== Nazm page 200