vuh chīz jis ke liye ham ko ho bihisht
sivā-e bādah-e gul-fām-e mushk-bū kyā hai
1) that thing for which Paradise would be precious
to us
2) besides/beyond rose-colored, musk-scented wine-- what is it?!
sivā : 'But, besides, other than, over and above, further than... ; -- adj. Additional, more; better'. (Platts p.690)
He says, 'In Paradise the greatest blessing is wine, and only for the sake of wine do we hold Paradise dear'. (260)
The elegant use of sivā (see the definition above) makes for several enjoyable readings:
=That thing for which we'd value Paradise-- beyond wine (that is, in addition to wine), what is it?
=That thing for which we'd value Paradise-- other than wine (that is, instead of wine), what is it?
=The thing for which we'd value Paradise more than we value wine-- what is it?
And all these questions, we notice, might or might not be rhetorical. A rakish or rindānah reading would of course take them as rhetorical, such that the answer to each of them would be a resounding 'No such thing exists!'. But a mystical reading might use such questions to introduce the transcendent and/or immanent presence of God, the power of self-lessness or be-ḳhvudī , and so on.
The wine is presented with lingering, sensuous enjoyment-- its rosy color, its musky aroma are dwelt upon. Meanwhile, the rest of Paradise passes by almost unnoticed; even the possibility of its being valued is presented in the subjunctive [ho]. (But as a final complication, of course, the wine itself can always be taken as a metaphor for the 'intoxication' of the Divine presence.)
This is one of the group of 'snide remarks about
Paradise'; for discussion, see {35,9}.
That is, wine is beyond all the blessings of Paradise. (202)
== Nazm page 202