Ghazal 183, Verse 3


kyaa bayaa;N kar ke miraa ro))e;Nge yaar
magar aashuftah-bayaanii merii

1) having spoken of what, about me, will the friends weep?
2) perhaps-- my distractedness/disorderedness of speech


aashuftah : 'Distracted, disturbed, distressed; disordered; uneasy, wretched, miserable; enamoured, deeply in love'. (Platts p.57)


That is, after having mentioned my qualities [va.sf] how they will weep. And this type of omission after kyaa commonly occurs-- [for example] mai;N ne tumhaaraa kyaa kiyaa , that is, kyaa nuq.saan kiyaa . (205)

== Nazm page 205

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, 'What quality is there in me, having mentioned which my friends will weep after my death? But/perhaps there is my distractedness of speech, perhaps having remembered this they might weep.' Distractedness of speech has here been said because of humility. The truth is that the mischievousnesses of Mirza Sahib's expression are so incomparable and unique that no [other] poet's style can reach the special character of his style. (265)

Bekhud Mohani:

An individual is downcast at the thought [that] in me there's no quality such that anybody, remembering it after my death, would weep. In this state something comes to mind, and he says, 'Perhaps they'll remember my tangled speech and weep'. (362)


SPEAKING: {14,4}

Especially ravishing is the aashuftah-bayaanii merii . The line, verb-less as it is, itself forms an example of 'distractedness of speech'; it enacts the condition it describes.

And how beautifully it both echoes and contrasts with the bayaa;N karnaa that the friends/beloved might be doing in the first line. When the friends/beloved mention the departed lover, their speech is apparently fluent, self-controlled, and unhindered; the lover's 'distractedness of speech' was just the opposite. Yet in its wildness and pathos it's apparently his only claim to fame-- the only reason he can think of that, when they mention him, they might weep.