gulshan ko tirī ṣuḥbat az baskih
ḳhvush āʾī hai
har ġhunche kā gul honā āġhosh-kushāʾī hai
1) to such
an extent your companionship has pleased the garden
2) every bud's being {a rose / extinguished} is an embrace-{opening/loosening}
az-bas kih : 'To such an extent that; --inasmuch as, whereas'. (Platts p.154)
gul honā : 'To be extinguished; to go out (a lamp or candle)'. (Platts p.911)
kushā : 'Opening, expanding; displaying; loosening; ... revealing'. (Platts p.835)
He says, 'The garden has felt so pleased with its joy and gracedness at your companionship that the blooming of every bud is the opening of an embrace in ardor for you-- that is, out of the longing to be close beside you'. (267)
The buds said this, or rather, in the ardor to unite with you they opened an embrace. (364)
The opening out of a tight, compressed bud into a full, wide, blooming rose can readily be imagined as the rosebud's opening its petal-arms in its delighted eagerness to embrace the ravishing beloved. In a related idiom, the 'narrow' [tang] heart is sad or displeased (as in {31,2}), and its widening or opening is a mark of pleasure.
But in the case of the short-lived bud and even shorter-lived rose, such an embrace of welcome and delight can hardly fail to be also an embrace of farewell or leave-taking. On the rich possibilities of the 'embrace of leave-taking', see {57,6}. For an embrace is 'opened' to enfold the embraced one-- and then afterwards it is, however reluctantly, 'opened' or 'loosened' once again to release the embraced one. The 'opening' of the embrace of leave-taking is thus inherently ambiguous, and can hardly help but feel suffused with grief and loss.
Moreover, there's the cleverly prominent placement of gul honā , 'to be a rose', which also idiomatically means 'to be extinguished', as in the case of a candle or lamp put out by a (rosebud-shaped) snuffer (see the definition above). The burning red radiance of the rose is often metaphorically identified as fire (for an example, see {75,1}, and the bud is shaped like the flame of a candle. Thus the idea that the bud's being 'extinguished' causes, or 'is', the opening or loosening of an embrace of the beloved, has a perfect romantic melancholy. This 'extinguishing' of the rosebud, whether through its morphing into a (short-lived) rose or through some more mystical attainment of oblivion, can hardly help but provide an enjoyably autumnal shiver.
That is, in the garden the roses that bloom open an embrace for you. (206)
== Nazm page 206