ḳhat̤t̤-e ʿāriẓ se likhā hai zulf
ko ulfat ne ʿahd
yak-qalam manz̤ūr hai jo kuchh pareshānī kare
1) with
the writing/down of the cheek, love has written to the curls, a vow--
2) entirely/'one-pen' accepted, is whatever disorder/anxiety it might cause
ḳhat̤t̤ : 'A line, a streak, or stripe, a mark; lineament; --writing, character, handwriting, chirography; a letter, epistle; --down on the face, incipient beard, &c.; beard; moustaches'. (Platts p.490-91)
ʿāriẓ : 'Appearing, showing or presenting itself, happening, befalling, occurring; ... --the side of the face, the cheek'. (Platts p.756)
ʿahd : 'Injunction, charge, mandate; will, testament; --compact, contract, covenant, agreement, engagement, obligation, promise; bond, league, treaty; --a vow, an oath'. (Platts pp.766-67)
qalam : 'A reed; reed-pen, pen; a pencil; a painter's brush; --an engraving tool; --a mode of writing, character, hand- writing; ... a section, paragraph (of a chapter in a book); --the upper part of the beard tapering to a point'. (Platts p.794)
He says, 'The down that appears on his cheeks is not really down, but rather my love has written a vow to his curls, that whatever disorder/anxiety it would have in mind to do with regard to me, it should do; it is completely [sar-tā-sar] acceptable to me'. (276)
The word yak-qalam is extremely suitable because the curls are near the down/pen [qalam] and the letter/down [ḳhat̤t̤] too is written with a pen.
[Disagreeing with Nazm:] God knows what embellishment [taṣannuʿ] means! If 'theme-creation' and 'embellishment' are the same thing, then it's not necessary to say anything; otherwise, poetry considers it a theme. (380)
CURLS: {14,6}
VOWS: {20,2}
WRITING: {7,3}
This is one of the small group of verses in the divan in which the beloved is clearly marked as an adolescent boy; for the full set, see {9,2}.
On the Persianized construction yak- to express intensity and sweep, see {11,1}.
This verse, like the previous one {192,4}, is overgrown with tangled vines of wordplay; but perhaps because it's simpler and more concrete, it's less aggravating. (At least, Nazm seems to find it so, since his denunciation is less vehement, and I feel the same way.)
ḳhat̤t̤ as a line of writing
likhnā , to write
ʿahd as a written document
qalam as a pen
ḳhat̤t̤ as down on the cheek
ʿāriẓ as the cheek
qalam as a part of the beard
zulf as a curl of hair
pareshānī as disorder, tangledness
We really have to salute, and savor, the density of these word-thickets! There's nothing much more to the
verse-- but then, does there have to be? Within two short lines of poetry,
such a network is, if nothing else, a tour de force of technique.
That is, on his cheeks this is not down [ḳhat̤t̤], but rather my love has written a vow to the curl that whatever disorder/anxiety it would have in mind to do toward me, it should do; this is entirely acceptable to me. The author has in the word yak-qalam composed a second wordplay: first, there are the lines of the beard [qalameñ] on the cheeks; second, they write letters [ḳhat̤t̤] too with pens. This verse too [like {192,4}] is not devoid of unpleasing embellishment [taṣannuʿ]. (216)
== Nazm page 216