Ghazal 233, Verse 7


baa-ham-digar hu))e hai;N dil-o-diidah phir raqiib
na:z:zaarah-o-;xayaal kaa saamaa;N kiye hu))e

1) again heart and eye have become Rivals with each other
2) having made the provision of/for vision and thought/imagination


na:z:zaarah : 'Sight, view, look, show; inspection; --amorous glance, ogling'. (Platts p.1142)


;xayaal : 'Thought, opinion, surmise, suspicion, conception, idea, notion, fancy, imagination, conceit. whim, chimera;... —an imaginary form, apparition, vision, spectre, phantom, shadow, delusion'. (Platts p.497)


saamaan : 'Furniture, baggage, articles, things, paraphernalia; requisites, necessaries, materials, appliances; instrument, tools, apparatus; provision made for any necessary occasion, necessary preparations'. (Platts p.627)


That is, again the heart has rallied its enthusiasm for the thought of beauty; and the eye, for the sight of the face. (264)

== Nazm page 264

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, again heart and eye have become each other's Rivals. The heart has made an imaginary image of the beauty, and the eye has expressed longing for the sight of the face of the beautiful one. (322)

Bekhud Mohani:

That is, during the time passed in the restraint of ardor, there was no rivalry between the heart and the eye. Now, since both have again felt a desire for the beloved, the eye is on the lookout to experience the relish of the sight of beauty, and the heart is alert to experience the pleasure of the thought of the beloved. (497)


GAZE: {10,12}

On the structure of this ghazal as a kind of loosely 'continuous' one, see {233,1}.

Both heart and eye are now on the alert, eager to launch themselves afresh into the old pursuit of beauty. Like all ardent lovers, they are jealous of each other, and inevitably become Rivals. On the face of it, the eye would seem to have the advantage. After all, what is being sought is especially the 'sight' of the beloved, which is the eye's special domain.

But then, we notice the cleverness of this seemingly artless little verse. Both heart and eye prepare for the pursuit of beauty by accumulating 'provisions' or 'equipment' [saamaa;N]. Presumably the eye's equipment would be fairly straightforward-- the eye should be open, alert, bright and fresh and eager. But then, it would have to wait for the beloved to actually come before it and be visible.

By contrast, the heart's 'equipment' consists of visions, imaginings, memories, fantasies, longings, and other complex mental and emotional events-- including outright delusions (see the definition of ;xayaal above). Since these are internal to the lover himself, how readily they'll be available! The heart wouldn't be obliged to mark time until the beloved actually appeared. Thus it might well have the advantage over the eye in this rivalry-- which is also a wry commentary on the nature of passion.