Ghazal 234, Verse 10


zabāñ pah bār-e ḳhudāyā yih kis kā nām āyā
kih mere nut̤q ne bose mirī zabāñ ke liye

1) Good Lord! --whose name is this, that came onto my tongue,
2) such that my speech/language took kisses from my tongue?


bār-e ḳhudā : 'Lord God! Great God'. (Platts p.120)


ḳhudāyā : 'O God'. (Platts p.487)


nut̤q : 'Speech, articulation, pronunciation; language, discourse; power of speech; reasoning faculty'. (Platts p.1142)


Here the interrogative is only for an expression of joy; it's not truly intended as a question. (266)

== Nazm page 266

Bekhud Dihlavi:

He says, Oh God, the name of which auspicious person has come upon my tongue, from the effect of which my speech has kissed my tongue? (324)

Bekhud Mohani:

Oh Protector, whose name has come upon my tongue, such that my speech has kissed my tongue? What a lovable [pyārī] praise it is! Praise be to God! (507)



The nature of this verse as the second in a kind of four-verse verse-set is discussed in {234,8}. The kind of more or less 'contrived rhyme' that it uses is discussed in {234,7}.

Here's another verse that excellently supports the argument I make in {234,8}. Bekhud Mohani calls it 'lovable'; I'd call it coy and cutesy. If the 'natural poetry' supporters want to claim it, I'll gladly hand it over.


-- urdu script -- devanagari -- diacritics -- plain roman -- more information --