zamānah ʿahd meñ us ke hai maḥv-e ārāʾish
baneñge aur sitāre ab āsmāñ ke liye
1) the age, in his era, is absorbed in adornment
2) now more stars will {come about / appear}, for the sky
He says, in his time the age has become absorbed in adornment. These present stars were not enough for the adornment of the sky. Thus the necessity of more stars' becoming/developing [bannā] presents itself, because he wants to see every substance in a more perfect condition. (326)
During the period of his reign, the world is becoming absorbed in adorning itself. Thus I know that the present stars won't be enough for the beautification of the skies, and new stars will be created [paidā kiyā jānā]. (507)
The nature of this verse as the fourth in a kind of four-verse verse-set is discussed in {234,8}.
In this verse too, the same awkward intransitive verb structure occurs; for discussion see {234,11}. And this verse too, like {234,11}, cannot stand alone, but must be read as part of some kind of verse-set.
Be honest, dear reader-- aren't you relieved that
this little praise-excursion is now finally over?
The praised person's name is Tajammul Husain; for this reason, in his era the age is absorbed only in decoration [tajammul] and adornment. (267)
== Nazm page 267