
From the Sanskrit of the

by Sir Edwin Arnold, M.A.
Late Principal of the Poona College

London, 1861

*Editor's Note from FWP*

*Translator's Preface*


*1 -- The Story of the Tiger and the Traveller*
*2 -- The Story of the Jackal, Deer, and Crow*
*3 -- The Story of the Vulture, the Cat, and the Birds*
*4 -- The Story of the Dead Game and the Jackal*
*5 -- The Prince and the Wife of the Merchant's Son*
*6 -- The Story of the Old Jackal and the Elephant*

*1 -- The Story of the Lion, the Jackals, and the Bull*
*2 -- The Story of the Monkey and the Wedge*
*3 -- The Story of the Washerman's Jackass*
*4 -- The Story of the Cat who Served the Lion*
*5 -- The Story of the Terrible Bell*
*6 -- The Story of the Prince and the Procuress*
*7 -- The Story of the Black Snake and the Golden Chain*
*8 -- The Story of the Lion and the Old Hare*
*9 -- The Story of the Wagtail and the Sea*
*Book Three: WAR*

*1 -- The Battle of the Swans and Peacocks*
*2 -- The Story of the Weaver-Birds and the Monkeys*
*3 -- The Story of the Old Hare and the Elephants*
*4 -- The Story of the Heron and the Crow*
*5 -- The Story of the Appeased Wheelwright*
*6 -- The Story of the Dyed Jackal*
*7 -- The Story of the Faithful Rajpoot*
*Book Four: PEACE*

*1 -- The Treaty Between the Peacocks and the Swans*
*2 -- The Story of the Tortoise and the Geese*
*3 -- The Story of Fate and the Three Fishes*
*4 -- The Story of the Unabashed Wife*
*5 -- The Story of the Herons and the Mongoose*
*6 -- The Story of the Recluse and the Mouse*
*7 -- The Story of the Crane and the Crab*
*8 -- The Story of the Brahman and the Pans*
*9 -- The Duel of the Giants*
*10 -- The Story of the Brahman and the Goat*
*11 -- The Story of the Camel, the Lion, and His Court*
*12 -- The Story of the Frogs and the Old Serpent*
Of related interest:

*The Panchatantra, translated by Arthur Ryder*

*South Asian folk literature*

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