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chauthaa band
*back to Stanza 3*  

1a) if mothers didn't look after children when they were small
1b) ages ago the world would have become empty of the race of Adam

letii;N ;xabar aulaad kii maa))e;N nah gar chhu;Tpan me;N yaa;N
;xaali kabhii kaa nasl se aadam kii ho jaataa jahaa;N

2a) [*urdu 5*] how would this lump of flesh flourish
2b) if the mother didn't keep the child at every moment pressed to her breast?
yih gosht kaa ik loth;Raa parvaan cha;Rhtaa kis :tara;h
chhaatii se lip;Taa))e nah har dam rakhtii gar bachche ko maa;N
3a) those reformers of religion and the world, through whose advice and counsel
3b) in the darkness of falsehood, the light of truth became manifest to the world
vuh diin aur dunyaa ke mu.sli;h jin ke va((:z aur pand se
:zulmat me;N baa:til kii hu))aa dunyaa pah nuur-e ;haq ((ayaa;N
4a) those establishers of learning and wisdom, through whose creations
4b) the secrets of earth and sky became manifest in the world
vuh ((ilm aur ;hikmat ke baanii jin kii ta;xliiqaat se
:zaahir hu))e ((aalam me;N asraar-e zamiin-o-aasmaa;N
5a) the realm-seizing king Alexander, through fear of whom
5b) the crown-possessors of the world were trembling like willows
baadshaah-e kishvar-giir iskandar kih jin kii dhaak se
the bed kii maanind larzaa;N taajvaaraan-e jahaa;N
6a) that pride of kings of Persia, Cyrus, whose justice,
6b) from east to west, is a story passed among people's tongues
vuh fa;xr-e shaahaan-e ((ajam kasr;aa kih jis ke ((adl kii
mashriq se taa ma;Grib zabaano;N par hai jaarii daastaa;N

7a) were not all these the flowers and fruit of those same frail plants
7b) which mothers had watered, here, with their own livers' blood?

kyaa phuul phal yih sab unhii;N kamzor paudo;N ke nah the
sii;Nchaa thaa maa))o;N ne jinhe;N ;xuun-e jigar se apne yaa;N
8a) what pure Sufis, what divinely guided mystics
8b) what prophets, what saints, what pillars, what pole stars of the age!
kyaa .suufiyaan-e baa-.safaa kyaa ((aarifaan-e baa-;xudaa
kyaa anbiyaa kyaa auliyaa kyaa ;Gau;s kyaa qu:tb-e zamaa;N
9a) through the rulers' court however many virtuous servants have advanced
9b) they all have mounted upward through the staircase of their mothers' laps
sarkaar se maalik kii jitne paak bande hai;N ba;Rhe
vuh maa))o;N kii godo;N ke ziine se hai;N sab uupar cha;Rhe
*on to Stanza 5*  
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