SECTION 2f *back to section 2e*
(we're now on page *baṛī he , continued*)

Munshi Sahib: All right, please read the ghazal. By God, how he has taken away the pleasure of the gathering! For him not to come! All right, please read the ghazal at least.
Rusva: Won't you please have me read something?
Munshi Sahib: Indeed, I remembered very well about that. All right, first you please read. 


munshii .saa;hib :: achchhaa to ;Gazal pa;Rh diijiye _ vall;aah kyaa .su;hbat ko be-lu:tf kiyaa _ nah aa))e nah _ achchhaa ;Gazal hii pa;Rh diijiye _
rusvaa :: mujh se to kuchh nah pa;Rhvaa))iyegaa _
munshii .saa;hib :: haa;N ;xuub yaad aayaa _ achchhaa to aap pahle pa;Rh liijiye _

1) Don't ask us how the days of life pass
In separation from some pitiless one, we neither live nor die 

==The meter of this ghazal is #26 in the *meter list*.

rusvaa ::

nah puuchho ham se kyuu;Nkar zindagii ke din gu;zarte hai;N
kisii be-dard kii furqat me;N jiite hai;N nah marte hai;N

2) Let someone ask her, even having taken the heart, this kind of trickery--
Before the enemy you heap abuse and commit such trickery?
ko))ii un se kahe dil le ke bhii yuu;N hii makar jaanaa
((aduu ke saamne jo gaaliyaa;N de kar makarte hai;N
3) The hypocrite is still laughing at the relish for wounds
Don't ask about the pleasure, when they fill the wounds with salt!
abhii to ha;Ns rahe hai;N mudda((ii ;zauq-e jaraa;hat par
nah puuchho us maze ko jab namak za;xmo;N me;N bharte hai;N
4) It would be a spectacle, if we kissed her and then would trick her
She takes the hearts of many admirers, and tricks them!
tamaashah ho jo un kaa bosah le kar ham makar jaa))e;N
bahut jo chaahne-vaalo;N kaa dil le kar makarte hai;N
5) Someone dies in separation, constantly calling out her name
Sometime she too will listen, if she fears disgrace 
unhii;N kaa naam le le kar ko))ii furqat me;N martaa hai
kabhii to vuh bhii sun le;Nge jo badnaamii se ;Darte hai;N
6) Since fate ruined us, it's not possible for us to become fixed up again
Somebody's curls are such that they can be ruined, and then fixed up again 
bigaa;Raa ham ko qismat ne to phir bannaa nahii;N mumkin
vuh gesuu hai;N kisii ke jo baga;R ke phir sa;Nvaarte hai;N
7) Sometimes she quarreled with the comb, sometimes broke the mirror
In fixing herself up, she gets angry; in getting angry, she fixes herself up 
kabhii shaane se uljhe vuh kabhii aa))iine ko to;Raa
sa;Nvarne me;N biga;Rte hai;N biga;Rne me;N sa;Nvarte hai;N
8) The charms of her youth won't leave us alive
When she's put on a dupatta, they spring forth and hinder her when she walks 
hame;N zindah nah chho;Re;Ngii adaa))e;N un ke joban kii
duupa;T;Tah o;Rh kar aa;Raa jo chalne me;N ubharte hai;N
9) The style of coquetry, Rusva, has a claim of foot-touching
Let someone ask, after all, for whom do the dying die? 
adaa-e naaz ko rusvaa hai da((vaa paa-rasaa))ii kaa
ko))ii puuchhe to aa;xir marne-vaale kis pah marte hai;N
The friends praised every verse. Rusva bent his head in 'taslim'. 
[*:to))e*] a;hbaab ne har shi((r kii daad dii _ rusvaa ne sar-e tasliim ;xam kiyaa _xx
  *on to section 2g*

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