SECTION 2e *back to section 2d*
(we're now on page *ze , continued*) 
Munshi Sahib: Shaikh Sahib, please instruct us with something.
Shaikh Sahib: (smiling) Sir, I don't remember anything.
Khan Sahib: You don't remember-- but there's probably a seventy-verse ghazal in your pocket!
Shaikh Sahib: By God, no! I've just now composed only four verses.
Rusva: Then why don't you recite them?
Shaikh Sahib: So I present them. 

munshī ṣāḥib :: shaiḳh ṣāḥib - āp to kuchh irshād kījiye -
shaiḳh ṣāḥib :: ( muskarā ke ) jī mujhe to kuchh yād nahīñ -
ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: yād nahīñ - magar sattar shiʿr kī ġhazal jeb meñ hogī -
shaiḳh ṣāḥib :: vāllâh nahīñ - ṣirf chār shiʿr abhī mauzūñ kar liye haiñ -
rusvā :: to phir paṛhte kyūñ nahīñ - shaiḳh ṣāḥib :: phir ʿarẓ kiye detā hūñ -

1) [Only] that petition is a petition, in which there would be no insistence
[Only] that utterance is an utterance, which would not be denied

The friends: praise.
Shaikh Sahib: taslim. 

==The meter of this ghazal is #18/19 in the *meter list*.

ʿarẓ vuh ʿarẓ kih jis ʿarẓ meñ aṣrār nah ho
bāt vuh bāt kih jis bāt se inkār nah ho

aḥbāb :: taʿrīf -
shaiḳh ṣāḥib :: taslīm -

2) Like Joseph, you wander around the outskirts of the bazaar
How embarrassed you'll be, if there would be no buyer

Rusva: What a fine taste it displays!
Shaikh Sahib: taslim.

[*baṛī he*] miṡl-e yūsuf sar-e bāzār paṛe phirte ho
kyā hī sharmāʾo agar koʾī ḳharīdār nah ho

rusvaa :: kyaa achchhaa ma;zaaq hai _
shai;x .saa;hib :: tasliim _

3) That heart is good that wouldn't settle in the gaze of beautiful ones
That property is excellent for which there would be no buyer

Khan Sahib: Very fine.
Shaikh Sahib: taslim.

dil vuh achchhā jo ḥasīnoñ kī naz̤ar meñ nah jame
jins vuh ḳhūb koʾī jis kā ḳharīdār nah ho

ḳhāñ ṣāḥib :: bahut ḳhūb -
shaiḳh ṣāḥib :: taslīm -

4) Vainly you swear off the murder of lovers
W e won't agree, if there would be no sword in the hand 

==Here I've corrected from later editions an obvious error in the second half of the second line, which has been repeated from the previous verse.

qatl-e ʿushshāq kī be-kār qasam khāte ho
ham nah māneñge agar hāth meñ talvār nah ho

In the meantime a man came, and he gave a paper to Munshi Ahmad Hasan.
Munshi Sahib: (having read the paper) Well now, Mirza Sahib won't bestow his presence on us. He's sent a freshly composed ghazal.
I asked the man, what is he doing?
The man: (smiling) Sir, this evening he's brought from Sikandar Bagh a number of small saplings of English trees. He's arranging them at the edge of Gol Hauz. The gardener is with him, watering them.
Rusva: Indeed, how would he have leisure from his activities, to come to the mushairah? 
itme meñ ek ādmī āyā - us ne ek parchah munshī aḥmad ḥasan ko diyā -
munshī ṣāḥib :: ( raqʿah paṛh ke ) lījiye - mirzā ṣāḥib tashrīf nahīñ lāʾeñge - ġhazal-e tāzah-taṣnīf bhej dī hai-
maiñ ne ādmī se pūchhā karte kyā haiñ -
ādmī :: (muskurā ke ) jī - sikandar bāġh se sar-e shām bahut se angrezī daraḳhtoñ ke nānde le ke āʾe haiñ - un ko gol ḥauẓ ke kināre paththaroñ ke andar saj rahe haiñ - mālī pānī detā jātā hai -
rusvā :: jī hañ unheñ apne aʿmāl se furṣat kahāñ - jo mushāʿire meñ tashrīf lāʾeñ -

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