SECTION 2h-1 | *back
to section 2g* (we're now on page *t̤oʾe , continued*) |
After that Mazhar ul-Haq Sahib, a well-known poet living somewhere outside [Lucknow], who now by chance had come into the mushairah-- he recited this nazm: =========== |
ke baʿd maz̤har ul-ḥaq ṣāḥib ek nāmī shāʿir kahīñ bāhar
ke rahne-vāle jo is vaqt ittifāq se vārid-e mushāʿirah the - unhoñ
ne yih naz̤m paṛhī - |
1) the state of our mushairahs is such that jesters now make jests about it |
hamāre mushāʿiroñ kā yih ḥāl jis kī ab naql karte haiñ naqqāl |
2) they laugh at the ways of the people of
skill they laugh at the style of the poetry-gathering |
ahl-e fan pah hañste haiñ rang-e bazm-e suḳhan pah hañste haiñ |
3) what a revolution in the time-- alas,
for shame! such a valuation of poetry-- alas, for shame! |
zamāne meñ ġhadr hay taubah shāʿirī kī yih qadr hay taubah |
4) although they don't have respect for literature they express no unfounded satire |
kih pās-e adab nahīñ karte hajv kuchh be-sabab nahīñ karte |
5) the sweetly-speaking poets move around taking along with them a large crowd |
haiñ shāʿirān-e ḳhvush-taqrīr apne hamrāh le ke jamm-e ġhafīr |
6) when do the poets go alone? they come, bringing connoisseurs along |
suḳhanvar akele jāte haiñ qadr-dānoñ ko le ke āte haiñ |
7) they go into the arenas with an army countless partisans are with them |
haiñ maʿrikoñ meñ fauj samet sāth hote haiñ be-shumār phañḍet |
8) those who wouldn't have this crowd with
them their ghazal would never receive acclamation |
ke hamrāh yih hujūm nah ho kabhī un kī ġhazal kī dhūm nah ho |
9) one
over there says vah vah =========== |
udhar vāh vāh kartā hai ik idhar āh āh kartā hai |
10) vah!
what a pearl-scattering style it is! vah! what a manner of fine expression it is! |
kyā t̤arz-e dur-fishānī hai vāh kyā vaẓʿ-e ḳhvush-bayānī hai |
11) someone says, vah, what can be said! in truth, this is a new utterance! |
kahtā hai vāh kyā kahnā fī'l-ḥaqīqat hai yih nayā kahnā |
12) how could anyone compose better than
this? when has there been an Ustad like you? |
se bahtar kahegā kyā koʾī kab hai ustād āp sā koʾī |
13) in this age you are unique truly, you are the pride of Mir and Mirza [Sauda] |
zamāne meñ āp yaktā haiñ vāqaʿī faḳhr-e mīr-o-mirzā haiñ |
14) as if they had any beauty of poetry! they were nothing-- only big names! |
muyassar thā un ko ḥusn-e kalām kuchh nah the vuh faqat hai nām hī nām |
15) where in their divans are such 'lancets'? =========== |
ye*] un ke dīvāñ meñ kab yih nashtar haiñ baḳhudā āp un se bahtar haiñ |
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