SECTION 2h-2 *back to section 2h-1*
(we're now on page *chhoṭī ye , continued*)  
16) you are, by God, better than they
in short, by God, you are better! 
un se vallâh āp achchhe haiñ
ṡam ba allâh āp achchhe haiñ
17) your style is somewhere beyond [theirs]
is it weighing the subtleties, or is it a miracle? 
kahīñ baṛh kar hai āp kā andāz
nuktah-sanjī hai yā kih hai ějāz
18) you are the power-manifestation of Meaning
in reality, you are the lord of Meaning! 
āp qudrat-numā-e maʿnī haiñ
fī'l-ḥaqīqat ḳhudā-e maʿnī haiñ
19) in your presence, who would open his mouth?
who has the power to say anything? 
āp ke āge kaun muñh khole
kis kā maqdūr hai jo kuchh bole
20) this style is your portion [alone]
this miracle is your portion [alone] 
hai yih andāz āp kā ḥiṣṣah
hai yih ějāz āp kā ḥiṣṣah
21) in our heart we have already meditated on it
there's only you, and nobody else 
dil meñ ham ḳhūb kar chuke haiñ ġhor
āp hī āp haiñ nahīñ koʾī aur
22) you and like this, you are like that
we consider that you are such 
āp aise haiñ āp vaise haiñ
ham samajhte haiñ āp jaise haiñ
23) how would you recognize your own worth?
ask us! what would you know? 
āp kyā qadr apnī pahchāneñ
pūchhiye ham se āp kyā jāneñ
24) your task is to build castles in the air
you're the limit of coquettish expression 
āp kā kām hai havā-bandī
āp par ḳhatm hai adā-bandī
25) when was such a poet born?
he was never born, nor will he now be born
aise shāʿir huʾe the kab paidā
nah huʾe the nah hoñge ab paidā
26) in short, they fling words into the air
they are prostrated, they are despoiled 
al-ġharaẓ be-takī uṛāte haiñ
bichhe jāte haiñ lūṭe jāte haiñ
27) their praise is so absurd
that it causes other's hearts to ache 
un kī taʿrīf hai vuh lā-t̤āʾil
jis se dukhtā hai dūsroñ kā dil
28) there, verses emerge from the mouth
here, they throw their hats into the air 
muñh se vuh shiʿr udhar nikalte haiñ
yih idhar ṭopiyāñ uchhālte haiñ
29) those whose praise has been mentioned here
in their hearts they're extremely happy 
jin kī taʿrīf kā yih thā mażkūr
apne dil meñ bahut hī haiñ masrūr
30) if, in the midst of it, anybody would get angry
no surprise if sticks would be wielded 
agar is meñ kisī ko ġhuṣṣah āʾe
kuchh taʿajjub nahīñ kih laṭh chal jāʾe

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