This page provides a HARMONIZATION of the 1899 Urdu text with a serial glossary of the novel
*UMRAO JAN, first edition, 1899*, generously provided by the *Columbia University Libraries* in cooperation with the *British Library*

Notes in all columns have been supplied by FWP, 2007-08

*UMRAO JAN GLOSSARY, 1970's*, generously provided by Prof. Christopher Shackle; his *new introduction*
[Note: the lightness of the type can't be helped: it's from a very old mimeograph]
The text sections shown in this column correspond exactly to the verse-introduced section divisions in the 1899 edition; these divisions are not named or numbered in the 1899 text. They are the best approximation to chapter breaks that the first edition offers. The bracketed subdivisions are provided for practical help in navigating the long chapters. In this column I've given numbers and brief titles to the 1899 text divisions. Note: the chapter breaks and numbers and page numbers used in the Glossary come from later editions only, and thus have no special validity. *introductory notes*, pp. i-iii
*outline*of the novel (pp. iv to xix)
*a map of U.P.*, p. xx
*a map of Lucknow*, p. xxi

*introduction* (p. alif) [*PDF*]
*mushairah* (p. jiim) [*PDF*]

(with special thanks to Momin Ali for the PDFs)

[1:] Introduction, and the mushairah: an annotated translation of the mushairah is available *on this site* *"Introduction"*, p. xxii
*"Mushaira"*, p. xxvii; the mushairah is mostly omitted from the glossary but is available *here*
*page siin* [*PDF*] [2:] Umrao Jan is persuaded: she reluctantly agrees to tell her story
*page 1* [*PDF*] [3:] Umrao Jan's story begins: her family background, her happy life as a pampered child in Faizabad
*page 5* [*PDF*] [4:] A village childhood: all is well until her abduction by Dilavar Khan
*page 11* [a frightful journey] [*PDF*]
[*page 14*, bought--and adopted]
[5:] Captivity: cruel treatment enroute to Lucknow; Ram Dei; bought by Khanam, adopted by Bua Husaini *page 22* [a frightful journey]
[*page 28*, bought--and adopted]
*page 17* [*PDF*] [6:] Khanam's house: her musical training begins; Gauhar Mirza *page 32*
*page 22* [Gauhar Mirza, and much gossip] [*PDF*]
[*page 31*, the initiation ceremony] [*PDF*]
[7:] In school: Gauhar Mirza, general gossip; thoughts about the initiation ceremony
*page 42* [Gauhar Mirza, and much gossip]
[*page 51*, the initiation ceremony
*page 36* [her real initiation] [*PDF*]
[*page 37*, Rashid Ali]
[*page 39*, men like Gauhar Mirza]
[*page 44*, Navab Sultan Sahib] [*PDF*]
[*page 48*, the rude Khan Sahib]
[*page 53*, the aftermath]
[*page 57*, Navab Chhabban] [*PDF*]
[*page 61*, the two gold bangles]
[*page 65*, Khanam stages a scene] [*PDF*]
[8:] Entering the profession: she is initiated into the life of a tava'if; Rashid Ali; Gauhar Mirza; Navab Sultan Sahib; the story of Navab Chhabban *page 63* [her real initiation]
[*page 64*, Rashid Ali]
[*page 70*, men like Gauhar Mirza]
[*page 77*, Navab Sultan Sahib]
[*page 82*, the rude Khan Sahib]
[*page 87*, the aftermath]
[*page 94*, Navab Chhabban]

[*page 99*, the two gold bangles]
[*page 103*, Khanam stages a scene]
*page 71* [Bismillah's devoted Maulvi] [*PDF*]
[*page 75*, more on Bismillah's Maulvi]
[*page 78*, the story of Khurshid Jan] [*PDF*]
[*page 81*, at the fair]
[*page 84*, Faiz Ali] [*PDF*]
[*page 88*, a plan to leave with Faiz Ali]
[*page 94*, the elopement; Nasiban; Samariha] [*PDF*]
[*page 97*, attacked and captured]
[*page 100*, in the Rajah Sahib's house; Khurshid] [*PDF*]
[*page 104*, a last trip with Faiz Ali]
[*page 107*, in Kanpur: the local Maulvi Sahib] [*PDF*]
[*page 111*, settling down in Kanpur]

[9:] Bismillah Jan and Faiz Ali and other important people in Umrao's life; and travels that end in Kanpur

[*FWP's literal translation of the episode of Bismillah and her Maulvi Sahib, pages 71-75*]

*page 110* [Bismillah's devoted Maulvi]
[*page 117*, more on Bismillah's Maulvi]
[*page 121*, the story of Khurshid Jan]
[*page 126*, at the fair]
[*page 134*, Faiz Ali]
[*page 138*, a plan to leave with Faiz Ali]
[*page 144*, the elopement; Nasiban; Samariha]
[*page 148*, attacked and captured]
[*page 151*, in the Rajah Sahib's house; Khurshid]
[*page 155*, a last trip with Faiz Ali]
[*page 159*, in Kanpur: the local Maulvi Sahib]
[*page 165*, settling down in Kanpur]
*page 115* [a maidservant visits] [*PDF*]
[*page 119*, a conversation with the Begam]
[*page 123*, a midnight raid; Fazal Ali] [*PDF*]
[*page 127*, back to Lucknow]
[10:] The Begam from Lucknow: who is this mysterious lady? GLOSSARY VOLUME TWO:
*page 1* [a maidservant visits]*
[*page 10*, a conversation with the Begam]
[*page 16*, a midnight raid; Fazal Ali]
[*page 21*, back to Lucknow]
*page 128* [*PDF*] [11:] The events of 1857: Umrao's life, like everyone's, is disrupted
*page 132* [an interval in Faizabad] [*PDF*]
[*page 134*, a reunion with her mother]
[*page 136*, a visit from her brother]
[*page 138*, back in Lucknow: a legal case] [*PDF*]
[*page 139*, Akbar Ali Khan]
[*page 143*, a quarrel among the women] [*PDF*]
[*page 149*, who was in the right?] [*PDF*]
[*page 153*, the story of Abidi] [*PDF*]
[12:] To Faizabad, then back to Lucknow: a long chapter full of adventures *page 31* [an interval in Faizabad]
[*page 35*, a reunion with her mother]
[*page 36*, a visit from her brother]
[*page 39* [back in Lucknow: a legal case]
[*page 41*, Akbar Ali Khan]
[*page 50*, a quarrel among the women]
[*page 60*, who was in the right?]
[*page 67*, the story of Abidi]
*page 158* [*PDF*] [13:] The Begam from Lucknow, continued: the revelation is coming nearer *page 77*
*page 161* [*PDF*] [14:] Five gold pieces: Umrao remembers old times
*page 163* [*PDF*] [15:] Ram Dei: finally we hear her story
*page 166* [the Navab Sahib] [*PDF*]
[*page 171*, Dilavar Khan]
[16:] The Navab Sahib: Umrao keeps one secret, and reveals another
*page 91* [the Navab Sahib]
[*page 99*, Dilavar Khan]
*page 173* [on men and women] [*PDF*]
[*page 181*, on fate and free will: two stories] [*PDF*]
[*page 184*, on reading and thought]
[17:] The manuscript: Mirza Rusva shows his work to Umrao and hears her comments *page 103* [on men and women]
[*page 119*, on fate and free will: two stories]
[*page 126*, on reading and thought]
*page 186* [End of the novel]  
*page 187* [Publisher's catalogue]
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