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by Bihārīlāl

Bihārīlāl's Satsaī comprises approximately 700 muktaka (freestanding verse) couplets. Unlike Keśavdās's Rasikapriyā, all Satsaī verses are not inherently linked to a bhakti element, though some surely do have bhakti allusions.* The phrase "गागर में सागर" (an ocean of meaning packed into a clay vessel) encapsulates Bihārīlāl's profound, yet concise, literary style. As this glossary attests, each of these short couplets has an extensive commentarial tradition. The couplets and a selection of commentaries can be found in Malviya, Lakshmidhar. 2008. Bihārīdās kī satsaī. Vols. 1-3. New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan. The ordering of these verses corresponds to Rupert Snell's Braj Bhāṣā Reader. Allison Busch and her Fall 2012 class prepared the following glossary for the commentary. 

*  An interested reader might turn to Rupert Snell’s excellent 1994 article  “Bhakti versus Rīti? The Satsaī of Bihārīlāl.” Journal of Vaishnava Studies 3 (1): 153-170.

-Justin Ben-Hain

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Snell Verse 1

अन० :
सषी = सखी, सहेली
उक्ति = वचन
प्रति = towards
नवजोवन = new youth
भूषिता = adorned with (take as a compound with नवजोवन : adorned with new youth)

नर० :
मुग्धा = मासूम स्त्री
ज्ञातयोवना = A particular type of मुग्धा who understands about puberty and sex. The one who is totally ignorant is अज्ञातयौवना--when she notices she is getting breasts, etc., she runs to her maid with the worry that she has fallen ill.
हे = "O" (indicates a vocative context for the subsequent noun, as in हे राम, "O Ram")
श्रीराधाजू = श्री राधा जी
सरीर = शरीर
विषे = in, within (in fact, this is an old Hindi postposition, can have a range of meanings)
रूपी = in the form of--a king in the form of youth.
नृपति = नरों का राजा, नरों का नाथ (here it appears to be योवन का नृप)
प्रवीन = प्रवीण, skilled, proficient
अमल करना = to operate, to take effect; "to rule," which has a nice ध्वनि.
स्तनां = स्तन, breast of a woman; nipple
नितंवा = नितम्ब (many manuscripts don't distinguish ब and व)
इजाफा = इज़ाफ़ा: (n) increase; surplus, excess
घनौ सौ = बहुत सा
वधारौ = ‘बध’ is attested in the bhakti dictionary in the sense of "to grow."
दीनौ है = दिया है
समर्थहि = काबिल वाले को, to the suitable one
चेत = consciousness
चितै = चित (heart; gaze); चित- can also be a verb stem
अद्भुत, a. strange, marvelous, extraordinary; m. a wonderful thing or occurrence
भीने = भीगे
महावल = महाबल, very powerful
भूप = राजा
वैठ = बैठ
दिवांन = दीवान, an administrative title
नवीने = (adj.) novel, fresh, modern
सोहामने = pleasing, beautiful
चातुर = (adj.) clever
चक्र = (n.) round shape, circle
साचेई = सच ही
मनोज = कामदेव
वडेई = बड़े ही
इजाफाई = इजाफा (see above) ही
दीने = दिए

कृष्ण० :
इह = यहाँ (तत्सम)
वचनु = वचन
जोवनभूप = यौवन का राजा
महापरवीन = (adj.) greatly skilled, greatly talented
विचछनता = (n.) विचक्षता, from (adj.) विचक्षण (discerning; sagacious; skilled)
इहि = इस
ठई = perfective form of ठना to establish, ordain
लह्यो = literally लिया, but grammatically लिए हुए
नवलातन = from नवल: fresh; new body
कटिसत्रु = कटि (कमर) का शत्रु (अर्थात नितंब); recall that the waist is robbed to make the hips larger. Cf.Rasikpriyā 3.21
लइ है = ली है [स्त्रीलिंग क्योंकि "नितंबों ने कमर की संपत्ति लूट ली है"]
सिसुता = शिशुता (early childhood)
सहाइक = सहायक
चातुरता = (n.) cleverness
चितु = चित : heart; gaze
चारु = agreeable, welcome; lovely
भई = हो गई
नितंवनि = hips
गनिकै = गिनती करके
वढवारि = वढवार (an increase) + ही
दई है = दिया है

हरि० :
तन = शरीर
पछ = पक्ष
कुच = breast
वडो = बड़ा
अधिकाई = अतिरिक्त, superfluous; great amount, abundance
कीनी = की (perfective participle of करना)
पहार = पहाड़
करि = करके
वर्नत = from वर्णन करना, present tense 3rd person
ताई = तक; The idea that women's eyes stretch to their ears is considered attractive as in this typical Kishengarh painting: Portrait of Rādhā. Kiśangaṛh, A.D. 1735-1757. Eric Dickinson and Karl Khandalavala, Kishangarh Painting, New Delhi: Lalit Kala Akademi, 1959, pI. IV (cited in Ileana Popescu, 'Kiśangaṛh Rādhā: A Textual and a Visual Profile', Bhakti in Current Research, 2001-2003, ed. Monika Horstmann, Delhi, 2006, pp.249-62.).
वडोई = बड़ा ही
इहां = यहाँ
हेतुउत्प्रेक्षालंकार = हेतु (cause) + उत्प्रेक्ष (metaphor, comparison, illustration) + अलंकार (figure of speech). This particular one is explained in vv 31-32 on p. 152 of Rupert Snell's Braj Bhāṣā Reader.
तर्क = (n.) logic, reason

Snell Verse 2

अन० :
शुक्लाभिसारिका = शुक्ल (white, bright, pure) + अभिसारिका (a female lover keeping a tryst). Here शुक्ल refers specifically to the "light" half of the lunar month, when the moon shines brightly.
उत्तम = highest
उन्मीलित = उन् - (prefix before nasal consonants meaning “upward”) + मिलित (connected, united)
मुद्रा = bodily posture
उन्मीलित and मुद्रा are both names of an अलंकार, which the author of Anvar-candrika goes on to define
संसृष्टि = mixture, combination
सदृश = adj. “similar"
वस्तु = चीज़, thing, a concrete noun
मिलि जाय = मिल जाए
पें = पर; तो
काहू = किसी
भासे = from भासना, to appear, to be known (present tense form)
वनाय = बनाकर
प्रस्तुत = praised; proposed; mentioned
ओरें = और ही
जानि लीजियो = जान लीजिए
जानिमन = जानकारी
वुद्धि = बुद्धि
विलास = आनंद
लषाइं = glossed as दिखाई, cf MSH दिखाई देना, to be seen
दिषाई = cf. note above
वहुत = बहुत
अलि = मधुमक्खी, a large black bee
सोधे = from सौंध < सुगंध fragrance
डोरे = डोर (thread, string, line); the suffix suggests a plural form
इति = वैसा ही

नर० :
सुक्लाभिसारिका = शुक्लाभिसारिका
वैन = बैन (वचन का तद्भव)
युवति = लड़की, a young woman
जोन्हि = n. moonlight, from ज्योत्स्ना
जोति = light
नैंकही =adv. "not at all,"
जाति = जाती
सौंधै = from सौंध < सुगंध fragrance
गैल = road or path
अली = मधुमक्खी
साथि = adverbial meaning साथ
सार = in Braj it means firmness, strength; in MSH, it means essence, substance
कामिनी = adj. desirous; n. an attractive woman
जामिनी = यामिनी, night
मांझि = it can mean में,
जात = जाते
साजे = सजाए हुए
सिंगार = श्रृंगार
सवै = सभी
घोर = extreme, intense
घनसार = camphor
पाछेही = बाद में ही
वात = बात
कितौ = कितना
सुजान = husband, lover; the supreme being
मग = way, road, मार्ग
सुगंधि = fragrance, खुशबू
निसानी = निशानी, distinctive mark; evidence

कृष्ण० :
गुराई = गोराइ means गोरापन, paleness/fairness
तरुनाई = तरुणाई, youth, youthfulness; years of youth
निकाई = खूबसूरती
छाई = छाईं, shade, shadow
उजराई = brightness
उज्यारी = उजियारा = उजाला, light; daylight; moonlight; splendor
उजराति = imperfect participle of उजलाना, to make bright
सारद =शरद is a month in autumn, शारद an adj. from that.
निसां = derive from “night”
विसद = विशद, pure, clear, white.
गजगमनी = walker just like an elephant [गज + गम (the Sanskrit verb for “जाना”) + -न suffix (agent/doer) -ई (ही or f. suffix)]
सोभा = शोभा, splendor
सरसाति = from सरसाना (to be flourishing)
अनुरागी = devoted to; a devotee, lover
मिलिवे को = मिलने को
क्यौंहू = किसी तरह
लषाति = दिखाती
लपट = wafted fragrance
अछेह = अछेद, indivisible; this word also has a secondary meaning: "constant," "much"
उपटति = उबटना (to apply)
संग = साथ

हरि० :
जुवती = युवती (लड़की), a young woman
थोरी = थोड़ी
आपु = अपने आप
लषायकै = दिखाकर
कोई तरह = किसी तरह
जतायकै = जताकर
किंवा = but [here the commentator introduces an alternative. "or, it could be that..."]
रूढ = "traditional" or "conventional" (meaning)
जाहिर = 1) ज़ाहिर, to reveal
आश्रय = आसरा, refuge, shelter
वस्त्र = कपड़ा
तास = from तासु, cf. उस in MSH
मिल्यौकै = मिलाकर
सकलंक = “possessing a fault," an epithet of the moon
कला = a digit of the moon
अरगजा = a type of perfume
रसी = रस्सी, a gloss of डोर
सादृश्य = सदृश (analogue, बराबरी)
फुरै = फुले
तव = तब

Snell Verse 3

अन० :
अनुभाव = हिसाब, firm opinion, conviction
स्मृति = याद
संचारी = a technical term from अलंकारशास्त्र--one of the transitory states that is depicted in the नायक or नायिका
गुनकथन = "telling of her virtues/qualities"--another technical term from अलंकारशास्त्र
दसा = take this from दशा, "state," another technical term from अलंकारशास्त्र. Lovers go through various states as they pine. Here he tells of her virtues or qualities.
पूर्वानुराग = yet another technical term--lit." love from before"--somewhat akin to love at first sight.
व्यंगि = व्यंग करके [here it seems like it is the present tense]; from व्यंगना, to suggest.
रूपठग = her thug-like beauty
हांसी = हंसी, laugh; a smile
फांसी = noose (स्त्रीलिंग)
डारि = डालकर
नेंनवटोही = wayfarer-eyes
ठोडी = ठोड़ी, chin
गाड़ = a pit, ditch, गड्ढा
गहि डारें = गह (पकड़) डाले
चिलक = brilliance, glitter
चोंधि = (n.) a state of being dazzled
सोई = वही
संध्या = श्याम, evening
समें = समय
इत्यन्वय = इति (thus) + अन्वय (syntax). The phrase, which is also used in Sanskrit commentaries, means "the syntax is thus"--it's the commentator's attempt to show you how to construe the order of words.
समस्त = all, whole, entire
वस्तु विषय = विषय-वस्तु, theme - the commentator wants to indicate that the रूपक or metaphor in question has the full range of equivalences. Thus, beauty is a thug, her laughter a noose, his eyes the hapless traveler, etc.
रूपकालंकार =रूपक means metaphor, अलंकार is the technical term for trope or figure of speech.

नर० :
नेत्र = eye
लगन = लग्न, point of contact between two lines. नेत्र + लगन = the नायक has laid eyes on her.
ठग = thug
देही = a person
चकाचौंधी = giddy, dazzled
पांसी = a net
डारिकै = डालकर (transitive absolutive)
मारिकै = मारकर
षाड = खाड़ी, a bay, gulf (specifically the Persian Gulf) - the commentator is glossing गाड.
पकरिकै = पकड़कर
डार दए है = डाल दिए हैं
ए = यह
दुष्ट = corrupted, depraved, wicked
सपुष्ट = स+पुष्ट, well-fortified, confirmed. Note the rhyming prose--the commentator is striving for sound effects.
ठगोरी = charm, spell; cheat
जोहै = from जोहना (to watch, look at, see; search for)
ताही नै = उसी ने
छोहै = छोह, love, affection (related to क्षोभ, which means agitation)
चलक्कहि = cf. चिलक in the verse itself.
छिपाय रह्यौ = छिपा[कर] रहा
छल = deceit, trick; trickery, deception

कृष्ण० :
वर्ननु = वर्णन
केसनु = plural form of केश, hair. The commentator is trying to reconstruct how she comes to dazzle him and to enhance the metaphor of the thuggery. Her hair becomes, then, a dense forest]
वनु = forest
उपकूल = किनारा, तीर, bank, shore
भ्रकुटीगिरि = भृकुटी(eyebrows) + गिरि (mountain) [Thugs hide out in fortresses...]
ओट = covering, shelter
लिलार = ललाट, the brow
प्रचंड = vehement; raging; burning
दगा = दगा (Persian), deceit; treachery
पारिकै = पाड़कर (पाड़ना to cause to fall, as in “to place”)
कुंवा = कुआं
महाठग = The Great Thug
सरूपु = स्वरूप
तजि = तजकर (तजना = to abandon, from त्याग करना)

हरि० :
चाकाचक्यता = the commentator is providing a synonym for चिलक
सूर्ज = सूर्य, सूरज
देषि = देखकर
आंषि = आँख
परत = पड़ता
पहिलैं = पहले
गहिकै = गहकर
डार्-यौ = डाला
अन्यत्र = elsewhere
सर्वांग = the whole body (सर्व + अंग); comprehensive - as above, the commentator wishes to indicate that the metaphor is fully developed, comprehensive.
उपमान = comparison
उपमेय = to be comparable; the subject of comparison
अंभेद = अभेद (“non-difference,"), i.e. similarity

Snell Verse 11

अनुरागी - impassioned, lovelorn
वूडै / बूडै - to be drowned or immersed in
उज्जल / उज्जलु -bright
महिमा - greatness, grandeur, glory, power
वषानत - derived from बखान (n. a laudatory description)
असंगति - incoherence, inconsistency, contradiction
चित्तलगन - चित्त + लगन, desire of the heart
सषी - सखी
वैन- speech, words (from वचन)
केवल- exclusively one’s own, sole, absolute
देषीयतु - देखीयतु - देखा गया- synthetic passive of देखना
विषै - a postposition, meaning "in, within"
ज्योति - radiance
हरष- हर्ष, delight, rapture
रगे - attached to, in love with
भव- existence, birth, life.
सव - सब
संभ्रम - moving around, confusion
अलोक - heavenly, not in this world
नषी - the root नख--means "to cross over, transcend."
झषी - one meaning of झक is clear, bright, polished. Derive झलकना from it in MSH.
मेटि - erased
घरीकि - an alternate spelling of घडी, "in a moment"
ओप - lustre
लषी - an alternate spelling of लखी, saw [ख and ष are interchangeable in Braj texts]
अद्भूत - wonderful, astonishing
रसु - रस
माझ - This is a tadbhav of मध्य, often equivalent to में in MSH.
षुभिकै -derived from a verb root क्षुभ -- to be agitated. Cf the entry on छोह above.
नंदकिसोर - नन्द + किशोर --the son of Nanda and, yes, an epithet of Krishna.
सुहाई - from सुहाना, to be attractive
सालति - from सालना, to pierce, to cause pain (may also be intransitive)
कविकृष्ण - the name of the commentator is कृष्ण कवि
सुलाई - from सुलाना, to put to sleep, to allay (doubts, etc.); another thought is to split this differently, as सु लाई.
पगे - from पगना, to be dipped or soaked.
उज्वल - उज्ज्वल- bright, radiant, lovely
निर्मल - pure
वासनारूप - वासना (imagination, desire) +रूप - the form of passion, desired form
सब्द - शब्द
भासे - from भासना, to appear, to be known
विरोधाभास - the appearance of contradiction, paradox, contrast
लिष्यौ - लिखा
अकुलाय - from अकुलाना, to be agitated or restless
उज्वलनाम - उज्वल and नाम are to be treated as separate words.
शुचि - bright, clean, pure, faultless
नामपर्याय - this is a way of saying पर्यायवाची, which means "synonym" in MSH. Thus, "eroticism, purity, and passion, these three are synonymous."
किंवा - otherwise
दशा - condition
कझै - possibly a dialectal form of कहा जाए
स्वर - voice, sound
सवही - सभी, as in सब ही
लेषें - लेख- , to reflect, keep in mind, notice, or consider.
अनेक -many
मैल - dirt, impurity
त्यागिकै - त्याग करकै, having left, renounced, separated

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This site last updated by Justin Ben-Hain on 5 November 2013.